Has Tekashi 69 Snitched His Way Out Of Prison TIme..?

Has Tekashi 69 Snitched His Way Out Of Prison TIme..?

There has been a lot of stories coming out about Tekashi 69’s plea deal and how his cooperation could potentially lead to him NOT HAVING TO SERVE PRISON TIME. Today I am going to give you the facts, and also my opinion as to whether or not this will actually happen. Hope you enjoy!

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22 thoughts on “Has Tekashi 69 Snitched His Way Out Of Prison TIme..?

  1. The l.a. Crip has already put a green light on him and he's ratting on bloods. He's a dead man no matter what he does. He can run but with those face tats he can't hide for very long.

    Even if it ant your snitch and its some body else snitch no one punishes them.
    oh hea he snitched on these people but its ok he ant snitched on me.
    he even bough me a bear he seemed pretty cool had a lot to talk about.. lol JK

    snitches used to get stitches now they just get praised.

  3. “Don’t want to give rap a worse name…”, don’t worry, the sound of rap is enough to give it a bad name lmao

  4. How the hell are you going to put his rainbow bright looking like ass in witness protection??? I mean who else has a fucked up grill like he does. You can’t hide that shit.

  5. I noticed you had a bit more of a slang and accent when being first released. My brother was like that too when he first got out. He seemed to sound more “urban” if that’s a good way to put it and the longer he was out the more he started sounding like the Joe we grew up with. Oh his name’s joe too.

  6. Lol watching you go in on this idiot is one of my favorite things. Let’s be honest though, why are we mad at the guy for getting a bunch of pieces of shit off the street? These little fuck boys are out there killing people and selling poison to our kids. Fuck those little bitches! Adios! Go be gangsters in the joint where they belong.

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