Probably should have disregarded that message.
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I couldn't imagine getting my jaw broke like that… That takes a different kind of evil
To prison and fro
I've used the addiction card before just like other ppl use the race card lol but that time in my life I didn't want to accept response ability for my own actions that's why I used the addiction card an I'm sure others use the race card cus they also don't want to be responsible.
You know what is perfect . If your drg dealers name is god .
Then when you take a lie detector test you can say god told me this to do and gave me the drugs .
And he speak to me almost everyday
And end result . You are speaking the truth .
You can go home now . Thank you judge.
ya JOE, he could of had a track record of doing bad and not caring, and now maybe he does, and wants to go to passages malibu? yamsayn
Hey just commenting here to remain you that we love you and that we keep coming back for more videos to enjoy your humor
Wait God gave him the acid then he told him to take it? Can't argue with God I guess……
Is it Lucy in the sky with diamonds or burn the face up
Hey Joe you think I could get God's number??
Hey Joe, I watch you from Scotland. Absolutely blows my mind the sentences and lack of help there’s available in America! I work with drug users and mentally disordered offenders and these people are cared for separate from what we call prison here. Crazy stuff
Joe how come you don't do videos with Banky lately?
My friends and I did took sheets of acid way back when and it doesn't make your violent at all. If you get violent on acid that is some stuff you had in you all along.
I just quit a job at a rehab yesterday. Almost everyone there is just trying to get off of some charges. They all play the addiction card. Only a few were there because of an addiction. Rehabs are just robbing American citizens of their tax dollars. It's mostly B.S.
That's crazy I done lots of lsd I'm my younger years bit nothing crazy came to my mind to hurt ppl and say God told me to do it he should of got a lot longer definitely with all the priors
I actually use to date joe…. Joe momma haha. Love the vids man keep it up. Been watching for years
Haha If he gets treatment, he's just gonna hear more god talk. 🤣🤣🤣 Did it help dude to believe in a god in the first place? 🤣🤣🤣
If he’d been black…
People who use drugs still know right from wrong.
Joe yes people can get addicted to lsd not me personally but my brother struggles and it’s melting his brain…
Sorry Joe I love you man but the singing has to go thumbs down.
Ive eaten 10 strips of acid and hes full of shit. LSD isnt like its portrayed on t.v. There arent purple elephants dancing and god doesnt talk to you. The dudes lying and these prosecutors and judges believe acid is what they see on tv and its not the same lol tv acid is wild. Acid in reality isnt that crazy.
There’s no way it was a 1500 gallon tank I think Roman Atwood’s fish tank is 1000 I have a 50 gallon tank and it’s fairly big 1500 is enormous I need proof there was a 1500 gallon tank buy the way u just added acid, that almost changes the regular drug shit because it does make u different bu5 sounds like he was a pos so idk oh excuse me I have a 55 gallon tank it’s huge no way it’s a 1500 gallon tank I’m stuck on this 1500 gal. tank
I thought for sure P.C.P was going to be somewhere in the mix!!!
I was locked up in a jail detox which I've learned is worse the jail but when I was getting transported to this detox before I started my bid I was in the paddy wagon with a guy heading to the mental hospital side he told me he robbed a bank ran a crossed the street to another bank to cash the stolen money in to a new bank account he said god had him do it so he can go to jail a preach the word of God in-between telling me the story he was screaming in tongues
God will get him, or tell someone else to get him🤣
Passages, the red carpet treatment center, every addict wants to attend, but could never afford. I hear they do amazing things though!
I wish addicts had more places for treatment. However I don't agree with drug intoxication as a miyigating factor fir responsibiliy. This guy had a history of violence and drug use. He knew or should have known LSD would f$#% him up. I know people are chasing the dragon but taking the harder stuff os just adking for trouble. Please someone tell me about thd person who has consistently used PCP or LSD for 10 yrs or more, without incident. Stuff goes bad quickly.
Why weren't there any assault or battery charges. It's scary dnough finding a stranger in your home but he physically attacked her. He put his dirty fingers in her mouth (nightmare fuel)!
He should have received the enyire 25 years. He had criminal history, there was bodily injury, and theft/destruction of property. Eleven years was not enough.
Can't wait for your bill Cosby video.
It's not an excuse. A person with diabetes is responsible for taking insulin, and avoiding sweets. An addict is mentally ill, but recovery is their own responsibility.
I used to take heroic shaman doses of psychedelics, and I've never been violent… Schizophrenic perhaps…
I personally feel drugs shouldn't make you a felon… Straight up bullshit
This dude should never even see the light of day again. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go straight to the pokey and don't come back..
If someone thinks they hear God telling them to commit their crimes, they don't belong in prison, they belong in a psych ward. Because anyone who hears God/whatever the voices are calling themselves telling them to hurt people is clearly not in their right mind
Treatment options vs prison? You're joking, right!? Or have you forgotten about Rabbit already?
Where does this guy live?
God is NOT gonna tell anyone to use street drugs EVER!! .. I mean come on folks!!! ..
Are you getting soft? I'm not. Yay Joe got his Viagra!!!
Cmon Joe we need a Cosby video lmao 😉