Ghost Hunters: Ghost of Mothers Voice Caught on Tape (Season 1) | A&E

Ghost Hunters: Ghost of Mothers Voice Caught on Tape (Season 1) | A&E

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The team shares their findings of paranormal activity with a home owner, including a voice recording of a ghost that they suspect to be his mother in this clip from Season 1, Episode 2 “The Lady in the Window”. #GhostHunters
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Fifteen years after introducing the world to the field of authentic paranormal investigation, “Ghost Hunters” returns to television. the series that terrified and captivated fans for 11 seasons will follow one of the original team leaders, Grant Wilson, and his handpicked group of professional ghost hunters as they use their decades of field experience to investigate hauntings across the country. Engaging forensic experts, historical records and the most innovative technology available, the new squad will help everyday people who are struggling with unexplained supernatural phenomena. The team is committed to discovering the truth to give relief to those plagued by paranormal activity and will follow the evidence they uncover wherever it may lead.

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47 thoughts on “Ghost Hunters: Ghost of Mothers Voice Caught on Tape (Season 1) | A&E

  1. ….I've been watching so many of these ghost videos of people that just recently passed, it seems that they seem to be there for a while just to say goodbye before they move on to somewhere else, like in the other video i just saw, grandpa just died two weeks before and the kid in the yard is talking to nobody there, raising his hands like he wants to be picked up, (mother watched from inside window onto the back yard) so it seems that they're allowed to stick around for a couple of weeks or even a year and then it time to move on to somewhere else, maybe they asked God or whatever, to stick around to say goodbye before moving on.

  2. Why can’t his mum stay there what’s wrong with that you think they should go to so called Heaven lol let her stay there she will be there for you when you get ready to pass and be with her again

  3. You just need sage is only thing will make it better without it your screwd seriously 🌿✨🌿🤑

  4. There is nothing like a loving mother. I dread the thought of not having her in my life, and I don't think I would want to go on without her in my life And I think when she passes it will be time for me to pass also so I can be with her

  5. The evidence is Not enough for me😕

  6. I would love somebody to explain to me how i could pick up somebody speaking in a unknown language through a record player. This was in the early 80s, i would spin the platter by hand an the voices would come through now and again. At that time i had a cassette deck a record player and a Rotel amp but never owned a tuner. Not having a tuner is the thing that puzzled me, i could half understand it if i had ?.

  7. 1:04 voice break 🤣

  8. That's not your Mom, hahahah demon in you're Home Men 🤣🤣🤣

  9. I have a real technical question.

    I have a lunch box amp and a live listening digital voice recorder. When you have voice recorder in record mode and you have headphones connected you can hear the live listening.

    What I want to do is hook the digital voice recorder up to the amp and listen to the live recording through the amp instead of head phones. What would I need to make this happen?? I know there will be a lot of feedback on the amp. Maybe a noise gate pedal??

  10. Wow. I had no idea this show was even still on. Grant got old (as did I)! Where’s the other plumber guy? I can’t think of his name. Is he still on here too? The last time I watched, they were visiting us in Savannah for Halloween. Cool to see they’re still around.

  11. Debunk: How can anything make a voice noise without having a voice box or vocal chords?.
    Goodnight. 👍

  12. I’m getting Phasmophobia vibes rn

  13. I wouldn’t want my mom hanging around simply because I would want her to move on to bigger and better things…she can come back to me to take me to the light, when it’s time! 😂

  14. Here's a question I would ask a ghost: "You know what I find strange? Being able to move objects without a body to do it with. Take a look at me. If I wanted to move this cup, all I would need to do is move my arm and pick it up. But for you, there is no physical body that I can see. So, how are you able to interact with physical objects?"

  15. The same thing my grandmother said was i will always be next to you …before she passed …i knew what he was going to say ….😢

  16. Loved this show😭

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