Danny In Boston (A Sneak Peek From His Christmas Trip)

Danny In Boston (A Sneak Peek From His Christmas Trip)

I wanted to give the APS ARMY a sneak peek and Danny update from how his trip back home is going. The videos included are all videos he has filmed on his phone. There will be a big video after his return as well. Better quality for sure. Regardless, Merry Christmas APS! And I hope you enjoy!

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39 thoughts on “Danny In Boston (A Sneak Peek From His Christmas Trip)

  1. Merry Christmas APS! Hope you all have an awesome holiday and hope you enjoy seeing what Danny’s been up to on his Christmas home in a long time.

  2. Danny you a good dude man ..
    Whatever you did in the pen you have to do ..
    it’s rough in there ..
    stay up man !

  3. What a Blessing reignited with you're son Danny jr,and Gladly exepting you in his and Family's life! I Love this Real Story's,from the bottom of my heart,Manny Blessing's to you Danny and you're Beutiful Family! My heart is full with Joy when i see this true Story's…

  4. He has a humble son . They are hes genes and no matter Danny's background hes a good person
    We love Danny 🤗💜

  5. beautiful family Danny i think it is the arroz Gandoules and Pasteles rello de papas aqapurrias flan fried fish put that smile on your face too for those that don't know it is typical Puerto Rican dishes and also mafongo

  6. i have been in Danny Jr's shoes that my dad was never there for me except my dad and i will never patch things up i am 57 and my parents divorced my dad also talked shit about my mother i still don't like it because it is lies he tells

  7. That’s funny. Fifteen page letter to one page letter. Lol

  8. Danny I am so proud of you for moving forward. Please stay away from people who will tempt you. You are given a second chance to save some young boys from destruction and the seek Jesus. No turning back now. God bless you.

  9. Wait hold up. Danny was inside for 40 years but has a 20 ish year old son? In this video he also talks at the restaurant about seeing his family 15 years ago (at his dads “wake”). Hmm…

  10. Danny went up to Boston to see family and they sucked the money from him!
    They sold him a bike and then he had plans to buy s car….like Danny is making thousands a month!

  11. God bless Danny ,and his family and friends 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹

  12. 👍

  13. This is beautiful ❤️

  14. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

  15. You deserve this beautiful 😍

  16. What matters your together 💃🏻

  17. Wow! I understand Danny Jr. it’s promises unspoken of a father and child. It is so hard to keep hoping for that relationship. Also, understand your father was going through his own hell! He paid a big price not being a father. Your lucky your father is alive to build a relationship. Know from experience. Make peace Danny jr. you make your own path. Forgive and forget🙏

  18. Hey Danny I just started watching you and I'm very excited and happy for you that you're going to be with your family that you haven't seen in 18 years or 40 I'm not sure.. just remember the most important thing Jesus was born for you for me for everyone, to give us such hope and love in peace love to you and yours love you in Jesus name Susan

  19. Danny Sr. could have called to talk to his son every day or once a week or once a month!!! Just cause you are locked up doesn't mean you ABANDON your kids! I have living proof of this! Prison doesn't give you an "out" from being a parent. F the excuses because that's all they are!

  20. Very happy for this guy he so deserves a second chance at life 👍

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