Dallas SWAT: Full Episode – #15 (Season 2, Episode 4) | A&E

Dallas SWAT: Full Episode – #15 (Season 2, Episode 4) | A&E

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The Dallas SWAT team is on the run in a high-speed chase that takes them across three counties in
pursuit of a man who has carjacked an 18-wheeler taking it’s driver hostage in Season 2, Episode 4. #DallasSWAT
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“Dallas SWAT” profiles an elite team of Texas law enforcement officers as they deal with stressful, unpredictable challenges in their professional and personal lives.

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44 thoughts on “Dallas SWAT: Full Episode – #15 (Season 2, Episode 4) | A&E

  1. Top ten people who still use pagers:
    #1.Drug Dealers
    #2.Swat Officer’s
    #6. My Grandma
    #10. Drug Dealers

  2. 13:16 I’m gonna give you,up so say goodbye

  3. What happens to the dogs 🐕?

  4. And people wonder why the perception of the black community is so poor this is why this is why cop cameras will never be removed off a cop's because of people like this who don't know how to behave themselves Linda making the perception of the community even worse than it already is

  5. Y'all need to work on your editing… trying to put a delay between the shots and him coming out and the shots but the hole magically disappeared during a cut…

  6. no one else see him kick the dog 😕

  7. Bad idea …..showing son how to shot….there goes another minority killer… Good one… Sir….use the excuse of showing him the bad and ugly…had to be a texas man…let him learn in the army or on the ps5 xbox…or better yet dont teach him at all…he going to show his friends to show off and guess wht will happen then…you know…8 yrs old shot his 8yr old friend …and it dads fault…with dad gun.. Show him how to swim ride a bike …etc…only in texas…lmaoo

  8. Guzman does not 🚫 have the gift 🎁 of gab. Get a desk job…

  9. The is so much wrong with this that it has to be scripted. From yelling out windows, instead of using radios to the freeway, on both sides, being lined with other drivers. Can't believe that this makes a show. 😒

  10. Oh my…about to watch the dog day afternoon. Please do not let any dogs get shot. These guys are so easy going talking about killing animals. Heard it on other episodes. Almost in a joke at which is so much worse. Here we go…..

  11. All imma say is that keith is hands down the most badass guy in swat 😂

  12. The dog 😂

  13. wow…my hat is off to law enforcement; however the way that this feature was produced reminds me of all the reasons that no longer watch "television" . It's just so cartoony; so patronizing. sorry….fail

  14. My Brother thinks a bullet is pronounced Bullnut lol 😂

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