Daddy do right day care

Daddy do right day care

No baby sitter this week. No problem. Today I’m working from home and spending the day with my son so my wife can work. We’re going to nap. And eat. And do a taste test reaction to some new Ramen Noodles I found. Hope you enjoy!

Other Videos to check out!
Why I went to prison FULL STORY:
How tattooing saved my life in prison:
How to TALK like a PRISONER:
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison:
5 Myths about Prison:

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41 thoughts on “Daddy do right day care

  1. Liam a famous name to the movie taken actor Liam Neeson 😂😂😂😂

  2. Hey Joe. Long time viewer I haven't watched in a while as I'm busy with 2 kids under 2 haha. I'm 23 and dealing with a dui I got 2 years ago before my kids were born. So I'm looking at 0 days in jail 90 but 2 years of probation probably about 2 months of a probation officer and the rest without. Having a hard time stopping weed but trying to stay motivated. Really hope I don't have to stop for the whole 2 years but it's definitely possible I'll get drug tested on informal probation. Luck I didn't get jail time as this was the biggest mistake of my life thus far. And now irs affecting my kids life as I am required to go to drug counseling 3 times a week for 2 hours each time for about 3 months total.

  3. Joe that's all junk food lol get real eggs and potatoes and bacon. 👍🇨🇦

  4. Gross Beena winy poop 💩 coming soon for mommy 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Man Joe you have a beautiful family you should be a proud man!!👌👌👍😜youre great Family..

  6. There's no way to contact you on here and I was going to ask you why don't you work at a prison with the prisoners give me some advice about when they get out look what you did it's possible more than half will go back and when they first get out they need more help because of being traumatized in jail or prison how do you have such a good attitude? I don't LOL life is a mother f***

  7. Hey Joe I was watching the last video you put up I don't know if it was before or after this and you deleted it but it was one where you know you were talking about you know the ups and downs of the painting business and how you weren't sure if you know you were going to be able to sustain I think you need to get rid of all your guys. If your work is sporadic can you shouldn't have a full crew. And you and one experienced guy should be doing all the work. If you need a babysitter it's painting you do the work at night. I get that maybe you won't be able to get in there because it's a apartment complex or something but you got to talk to the owners about it and tell them listen this is when I can do it. And if your work is good like that you'll get access. I love you man I wish the best for you.

  8. Yoo Joe I have a crazy jail story we can get receipts and co signs and some vid last year I did 3 months earned the nickname daredevil for fighting a self said blood and winning by choke I'm 80 percent blind and still more physically capable than 96 percent of people I would be willing to come to VA and even show you. Ps I was the first blind trustee in that jail and even ran into the jail food worker and knocked her down and was messed with by co s and even showed me the vid and joked calling me Ray Lewis lol

  9. Can't say I'm a long-time viewer, but I can say I'm a long-time checker-inner. I started back when you were making tattoo guns in your apartment, and then to come all this way, man, that's incredible. I'm super proud of you.

  10. holy fuck i just came back from watching u from 2015-16 man you’ve change for good 💯💯

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