When a guard passes out, a group of inmates break from their cell and spare and save his life in this clip from Season 3, Episode 1.
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From frightening outbursts to furious judges, Court Cam gives viewers an in-depth examination of some of the most stunning and emotional courtroom moments caught on camera. Hosted by Dan Abrams, each episode includes interviews with judges, witnesses, and victims who give a first-hand account of what really happened during these intense courtroom moments. This comprehensive look at how the action unfolds allows viewers to sit in the courtroom as they witness crazy courtroom moments from the most high-profile trials to minor court proceedings.
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Was it a Canadian court? 😉
There are good people in the world .Everyone isn't a killer!
Many criminals are just decent people who made a bad choice in life.
The narrator treats these people like dogs or animals not humans. First they have humanity they are not terminators they are not robots they are people. Just because they are inmates does not make them lesser then anyone else
That's awesome
Convicts are normal people that had a bump in the road , 🙠blessing to guard pray he's doing well and to the inmates .
Escape to where?
Look at the guy in whites – dont care – some sicopat
After this happened, they put new locks on that cell, so people can't break out!! So, if this situation happened today, it would be much harder for them to get the attention of other guards. But, if there were people in the cell who aren't as caring as these guys, it could be a very dangerous situation for the guards!
God was there that day 💕
God bless them all! My 84 year old mom in law and I (also a grandma and disabled) were in San Antonio for my youngest son's graduation from the USAF. We had a blow out on the highway and weren't string enough to change the tire. This was a VERY BUSY Sunday and hundreds of people passed us for at least half an hour before a 40ish year old man and a teen boy stopped to help us. He had it almost done when a state trooper pulled up behind us with his lights on. He helped the man finish, then told him to leave while he talked with me for a few minutes. The man called the trooper "boss" and I thanked him profusely. When he'd gone, I asked the trooper if I'd heard that man correctly, "he Did call you boss, right?" I told that trooper that out of all the healthy young men going passed, only a con speed to help. Yes, he couldn't had other motives, but he could've been our answer to prayer, too. I chose to think about his kindness and pray God's blessings on him. Not all ex-cons are bad people. Sometimes they're GOOD people who just made bad choices. Gb~😇
My name is Mr smooth
Jail doesn't = Bad People
Not all criminals are violent
Ya but let's cancel live PD because cops can't be shown doing good things
Don’t know why they felt the need to say “his firearm now up for grabs†when they were very clearly just trying to help this guy, and had absolutely no ill intent
This gave me chills
They should free them they got morals
They were probably picked up the night before for stupid summary charges & going for bail….!
Most crims r just everyday ppl that have fuked up somewhere in their lives…!
That's an interesting way of doing CPR…
This video is old af. I remember seeing it years ago
Never miss an opportunity to do the right thing. The inmates have been setback but this helped their comeback.
Just proves that inmates do have a heart.
Thanks guys. Good job.
This just proves that there's good in all of us, no matter what any of us has done. See the good in each other, and others will see the good in you.
The system so messed up that even if the inmates save the guards life guarantee that judge would not show any leniency that's just how the way it is
Inmates with hearts of gold
Is anyone gonna talk about how quickly they busted out 😂🤦ðŸÂ¼â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Humanity does in fact exist
Bad decisions don't always mean bad person.
ACTUAL criminals would've let him die, these are good men.
And then they resigned all those locks
Most people end up in jail over basic mistakes that anyone can make.
With that said, jail shouldn’t be for people like that. We imprison WAY too many people in the USA.
a&e recycling the same clips over and over
Love and compassion has a funny way of showing up at the oddest places and times
This is heartwarming. Proves alot of inmates are still good souls and idk what they're all in prison for but it seems a nice sentiment that a judge take their kindness into consideration with sentencing. Bc they cld have all stood by and done nothing……but they didn't…God Bless them
Everyone liked that
Worlds slowest chest compressions go to…
You would think…with that many guards..1 would check him out…While someone else would call for help?
human is human either he is immate or Police .. humanity first .
Put the inmates up first though, then check your buddy… Even though they were helping wow
Always help your fellow human. Good karma helps trust me it does matter