In this video I’m going to show you what prisoners prepare as a meal to celebrate Christmas in prison.

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Chesapeake Va. 23323

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44 thoughts on “Christmas PRISON FEAST

  1. You know what's crazy the first time u go get food in the free world lol that u still picking up noodles chips and cheese… How ur mind is still set. I was doin curt flushes for a month one time I got out. That too it took me two weeks before I could even deal w old friends and family. I stayed hid. I was freaking out if I heard cop cars… Took me a minute to think it ain't for me but once ur out u don't wanna go back

  2. From the thumbnail, I thought that was a a Santa hat. Nope! So much better: Prison chef hat! 😂🤣😂🤣

  3. Hey Joe, first I wanna say I love your show I watch the cooking shows, but I noticed you sad all of these thugs where purchased from dollar store but I noticed the ranch dressing which came from food lion, and if you are ever in Virginia Beach give me a word I would love to meet you and take you to the hot spots to eat

  4. Her reaction when she found out what was in it😂

  5. That looks nicer then any supper I’ve ever had

  6. My favorite was the cake roll we would crush up the cookies and mix it with water to make the pudding 😂😂

  7. Sounds nauseating 🤢🤢🤢

  8. Ok I wanna Ralph now 🤢🤢🤢

  9. I’m institutionalized.. but how in the fucking fuckity fuck do you get this institutionalized..?

  10. I still hear all of you saying you can’t get cans in prison. What about the kitchen? Or soda? Only bottles?

  11. My man you did it keep rising shining and fuck the back salt it’s the front pep that keeps life biting

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