Bryan Disappeared Again…

Bryan Disappeared Again…

If your seeing this video then my time for patience is over with. I haven’t seen this guy working on the house since tuesday when we revealed the bathroom progress. And the only messages I’ve received from him have been vague and suspicious sounding. Bryan has been paid for work that has not been completed. And also, paid for things that needed to be purchased for the house. This is only the beginning too. The follow up is even more crazy.

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43 thoughts on “Bryan Disappeared Again…

  1. Joe you have to understand your a different type of person. Your capable of change and you did. These felons you hire are nothing like you.
    They get locked up because they're just bad people. I was addicted to heroin and I never did shit like this.

  2. Hate it Joe. Have been dealing with contractors for the last seven years. Never ONCE, have I advanced $$$ on a job with a positive ending for me. Goes for tools and equipment too. Really hope everyone is just jumping the gun and he has gotten his stuff back together. Thanks for the vids.

  3. I know you want to keep trusting guys because they’ve been through hard times, but I feel like this should be a learning experience. You can’t operate your businesses like a charity. It’s a business. You should hire people that you’ve vetted thoroughly and done background checks on. Sure they can be ex-cons, but you have to know that you can trust them. You definitely shouldn’t send money to someone you haven’t vetted. Lastly, get a damn LoJack for your truck, Joe!

  4. Time to man up, quit blaming others. Don’t be a micromanager, but get to work. You should be the one keeping all the trash picked up, and your job site clean. Why are you paying someone else?? Get your hands dirty and put your phone down.

  5. I feel like this was all staged. The “I’m Broke” video didn’t work. So this was another way to get his subscribers to feel sorry for him and send him money.

  6. People the point of this series isn’t to get the job done as fast as possible, joe is trying to help guys like himself to move forward. Ups and downs will happen, of course he’s gonna make content out of whatever happens good or bad.

  7. Bryan: Does ANYBODY need this freaking Door? 😩 I have to come up off this!
    Dopeman: Bryan I need my HVAC back that you sold me!😡 You're trippin dawg!

  8. As a contractor who actually knows his trade I have to say, you get what you pay for, you have this one guy doing completely different tasks. I'm not sure about the laws in your area but it takes a licensed electrician to wire a home and you need to submit plans that includes the layout of appliances in order to get the proper permits

  9. It should be called "drug addict flippers" were DAF 🤣

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