Billy the Exterminator: Roaches INVADE House – Full Episode (S6, E11) | A&E

Billy the Exterminator: Roaches INVADE House – Full Episode (S6, E11) | A&E

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Time to get down and dirty when Billy takes on one of the grossest cockroach infestation he has ever seen in Season 6, Episode 11, Roach Riot. #BillyTheExterminator
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In “Billy the Exterminator,” Billy Bretherton’s pest control firm tackles all types of animal removal, from teeny insects to giant snakes, with help from Billy’s supportive and colorful family.

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29 thoughts on “Billy the Exterminator: Roaches INVADE House – Full Episode (S6, E11) | A&E

  1. If you see even one roach I guarantee there’s a lot more

  2. This is a pointless (and late) comment but I couldn't help that notice the little roaches scuttling around were german cockroaches, a really common pest species of roach but then there's shots of lobster roaches on the furniture?? Which aren't capable of infesting the average house?? Notably at 5:54 ….like that is TOTALLY a pet/feeder lobster roach so now I'm just imagining some producer on the show thinking "german cockroaches aren't exciting, buy some lobster roaches off ebay and stick them in the shot to creep people out" lmaoooo

  3. I want Billy to start going in there with a mask and gloves. I get worried for him and Ricky all that roach in the air😩

  4. I can see why Ilsa thinks all her rentals need 3 fridges.
    She’s a slum lord. 👎

  5. Lmaoooo when he microwaved the roaches 😄😄😄

  6. Sadly we had some and got it taken care of quickly. Thankfully the pest people saw nothing like this. They said there was no sign of infestation. But even seeing one was AWFUL. I am pretty sure we solved the problem- it was over two years ago.

  7. That thumbnail was horrible it just said cockroaches invade house so me thinking there's just a couple not a whole house full I thought I could handle it my skin was crawling it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen lol

  8. My mother and I saw a roach in the main kitchen yesterday. It was on the huge cutting board. So she freaked out and tried to kill the little booger. We don't know how it got in. Having house centipedes is one thing, but roaches is another. Luckily, we didn't have an infestation.

  9. Billy don’t ware a mask.

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