Billy the Exterminator: Full Episode – 9 Foot Gator! (Season 2, Episode 17) | A&E

Billy the Exterminator: Full Episode – 9 Foot Gator! (Season 2, Episode 17) | A&E

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Billy gets a call from Twin Lakes Summer camp where a giant gator on the loose is threatening children and pets. Billy hunts it down and discovers it’s bigger than anyone thought in Season 2, Episode 17, “9 Foot Gator!”. #BillyTheExterminator
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In “Billy the Exterminator,” Billy Bretherton’s pest control firm tackles all types of animal removal, from teeny insects to giant snakes, with help from Billy’s supportive and colorful family.

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31 thoughts on “Billy the Exterminator: Full Episode – 9 Foot Gator! (Season 2, Episode 17) | A&E

  1. “Can I stay and watch?” Any mechanic knows the answer to this is no.

  2. If anyone saw Billy’s truck outside the church they’d probably think it was a shooting😂

  3. 13:05 yesh, the pastor didn’t say anything about this if notice

  4. Ricky was definitely high. 😂

  5. I would love to know what them people are thinking when Billy and Ricky knock on their door and they open it and there's them wow Men In Black clothes and spikes I love to know what they're thinking if you knocked on my door and I opened that I'd say I'll write y'all are looking good

  6. That wasn’t a gator, it was a dinosaur

  7. Aww that got me sad when they killed the gator they should have at least gave him a whole chicken for his last meal 😞

  8. Billy don’t have nothing on the gator boys💯

  9. 17:36 to 18:03 killed me 😂

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