Southern Pride Miniature Horse Farms is plagued by a huge snake in their pond. While hunting it down Billy is surprised by a venomous copperhead that proves tough to catch in Season 2, Episode 16, “Deadly Snake on the Loose!”. #BillyTheExterminator
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In “Billy the Exterminator,” Billy Bretherton’s pest control firm tackles all types of animal removal, from teeny insects to giant snakes, with help from Billy’s supportive and colorful family.
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Chew the tobacco of a rnenthol cigarette then put it on the sting pulls the sting out
You are wrong you can tell by its head if it's a triangular head it's poisonous throat head it's not so you're wrong
99% of people bitten by venomous snake are drunk.
That first snake was clearly a cottonmouth. It was not a copperhead because cottonmouths open their mouths before they strike.
even in dangerous situations he continues to stay stylish
I want to see Billy's wife going on some of these jobs and helping them.
Is killing bees a good idea? They are literally the most important organism on earth
It really drives me insane when people say snakes are poisonous. They’re either venomous or nonvenomous. Has nothing to do with poison!!! These guys should know this.
The description of a venomous vs non venomous by the eyes is only PARTIALLY CORRECT. There are SOME VENOMOUS SPECIES OF SNAKE WITH ROUND EYES SUCH AS MAMBA AND COBRA.
EVERYONE GET BACK!!!! family walks forward…lol.. wonderful
billy its a cotton mouth
Billy is awesome
They never dress up in protection equipment
The first snake is a cottonmouth
Legally allowed to kill bees?
Joe Dirt pick this show up.
That a baby water moccasin he don't know snakes at all they look like copperheads when small
Only guy with a farm in the world to call someone to catch a snake
Poisonous snakes huh. As long as you dont eat it you'll be fine. Venomous snake, that's a whole other thing.
Billy the EX terminator
He used to work for Sky net
Now he is an exterminator with a cheese personality
For a dude that frequently handles snakes, he is extremely uneducated. The first snake caught wasn’t “poisonousâ€ÂÂÂÂ, nor was It a copperhead. The second snake was a diamond back water snake, not a “yellow bellied water snakeâ€ÂÂÂÂ. Also, baby snakes don’t inject more venom. The larger the snake, the larger the venom yield.
I sure like to know where I can buy the wasp/bee sprays that they use to kill the bees and then spray it on themselves when under attack and not get sick from the spray? Ive looked for pyrethrin sprays but they have a bunch of toxic stuff mixed in.
I almost feel like the family hates Ricky. He's allergic to bees/wasps, yet he has to go on just about every bee/wasp job with Billy…?
billy its rude to flip people off
I wonder if he has ever been bit by a rattle snake before if so I wonder what it felt like
Taken from Wikipedia: It has been estimated that 7,000–8,000 people per year receive venomous bites in the United States, and about 5 of those people die. The number of deaths would be much higher if people did not seek medical care.
BOA CONSTRICTOR's eye are cat like and they ARN"T poisonus as stated here
hey you know that was a baby water moccasin right just a hads up
7:13 hey bud that's a baby cottonmouth
That was a cotton mouth
Did anyone noticed the kid standing on the cooler where the snake is inside 9:43
He dont know nothing about snakes
I like billy
Not all non venomous snakes have around pupils. Just as some venomous snakes don't have cats eyes. Keep that in mind everyone that sees a snake. My red tail boa had cat eyes.
Well I got this one!
Anyone else annoyed every time he calls the snakes poisonous?
Did Billy just point the middle finger at the owner?! 😂
I stay in nc i catch snakes for fun, that first one to me, looks like some kind of water snake
non venomouson other case iv been playin with venomous snakes the whole time, and snakes are not “poisonousâ€ÂÂÂÂ😂😂The copperhead was a baby moccasin
So a cat it poisoned and don’t let it bite you? MEDIC
What position snakes be like I will bite your pp of what pithons be like I will struggle your pp off
Fun show! But, people actually call for a snake or 2? Some bees? LMFAO!!
So the cat eyes thing is a myth. The shape of their pupils determines if they are nocturnal or diurnal (active during the day). Vipers though do tend to have a triangular shaped head.