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Billy and Ricky head to Charlotte, North Carolina where they find out just how vicious geese can be when you mess with their nests in Season 4, Episode 5. #BillyTheExterminator
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In “Billy the Exterminator,” Billy Bretherton’s pest control firm tackles all types of animal removal, from teeny insects to giant snakes, with help from Billy’s supportive and colorful family.
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That’s not my dad job like that the client said do anything you can to get rid of them a cup for three females one mail daughters I killed him eat them it was free food
Little bit to dramatic on the roof lol
Billy: You'll have to go I'm sooorrry😂😂
Good vid
I Am a goose Hunter. And the population have of geese have went down a lot
Geese don’t weigh 20 pounds maybe 15 pounds tops
This all sudden became dark souls
Paintball gun 👠works perfectly
I just love it how billy and Ricky are doing most of the work and ladies are not doing nothing to help
These ladies made billy do there job!
I'mma have to skip this one. I'll take all them geese here just for the sheer reason, they eat bugs and other one's i don't like.
Give them geese to me. I could use some extra "Rounds" besides my dogs 🙂
Umbrella's? How about a .45 to their head & goose for dinner?
Oil on eggs!!!??? Broooo eggs are delicious and so are the geese they should eat them! It's easy to pluck a goose and it's so worth it
story time so gander around… jokes aside. so i live in upstate ny near a small creek and geese usually nest there. so it was last year 2019 in may a female and male where guarding their 4 eggs so they hatched and 1 gosling had a bad kink in the neck and the mama rejected it knowing it wont survive having the kink. however my older brother is a vet that does more advanced cases than a typical vet. so we humanely put her in a old shoe box to put her out. the neck bone was actually very bent from a deformative issue of some sort so my brother put it back into place and used a 3 pins to keep it stable. the gosling woke 15 mins later after her operation so i kept her in a small wooden box with heat lamps and cornmeal/water in the tray. i named her may may after the month she was born once we found out she was a girl. about a month later i let her see her mom and she took her back and paddled away with her family. i knew it was her because i put a small blue chip on her feather so i knew it was may may. this year may may came back with a mate and came over and honked at me i had some old lettuce, apple, and flies i had laying round my house… they both loved it and 2 weeks later by a tall grassy area she lied on her own eggs she went out to eat in the creek and there were 9 tiny goose eggs and close by on a rock the dad gave me the look of thats my family there!! few weeks later i woke to the sound of may may honking and standing proudly with her 9 goslings peeping and running best they could around her it was a special thing. may may still hanged out and was nice letting me near her family from a few feet away.
Being a little bit over dramatic aren't we billy.
I never seen geese attack
Geese are nothing but flying rats
There you go Billy, keep get rid of them geese!!
I can get that they may be a problem.. But with there normal nesting groups being built on and taken away its just sad that you have to kill there nest out for people to be able to live around them… My thoughts are give them a bigger please to lay there eggs in. Instead of killing the eggs… I love your show but the government sucks!!!! Building bigger ponds should help… It's just my love for them that made me feel the need to comment… I don't want them to be also going on the endangerment list one day too…. Loves…
Billy: "Im trying dude! im not friggin Mary Poppins!!!" hahahahhaha was laughing so hard!!!
I really enjoy the show, but seven sets of commercials was way too much! Google is so damned greedy since they purchased YouTube. I'll make sure not to patronize any of their sponsors.
Love the video also the umbrella no joke have the same one you keep up the good stuff
The goose part reminded me of regular show where they also had to get rid of the gesse
I bet peta loves the fact that Billy threatens geese with a tazer
Can you eat geese eggs?
The goose situation on the roof was a bit over dramatic, I have faced off against some geese in my days and didn't have that much trouble lol.
Billy & ricky whipped goose butt !
Everyone gansta until you have to get tasers after geese
Fun fact, if a goose comes at you grab it by the neck and throw them. This is far less likely to seriously injure them than kicking, as the muscles in their necks are extremely strong
Hey kill the geese eggs? That’s ridiculous
I would’ve just shot them with a 12 gauge. That’s just me though.
Good luck guys
Lol 🤣
They must be related to Dog the Bounty Hunter
Billy needs a show with out any of his family traveling the country that be dope
The geese here in Maryland are actually pretty cool, they only hiss when their young are around but I’ve rarely seen them do that. I know they can be super mean tho, i got bit by one just trying to feed it at the lake lol