ANTS CRAWLING Through Jeans in Checked Bag?! | Airline | A&E #Shorts

ANTS CRAWLING Through Jeans in Checked Bag?! | Airline | A&E #Shorts

Airline employees discover a checked in bag that has an ANTS INFESTATION due to the dried sweets!

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In Airline, cameras follow the pilots, flight attendants and airport employees of Southwest Airlines, capturing passenger outbursts and heartwarming stories as well as the interactions among the crew and staff.

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48 thoughts on “ANTS CRAWLING Through Jeans in Checked Bag?! | Airline | A&E #Shorts

  1. GROSS 🤮

  2. Oh yeah throw all ish in the trash!!😳😳

  3. 🤢🤢

  4. YUK🤢-🤮

  5. Icky…..😬

  6. I know you guys are all joking down here and I don’t blame you because this isn’t what you guys think about but I collect ants and have a few colony’s myself so learned a lot about ants and if those ants would have went to where there were going there’s a possibility she’d be introducing a whole new species to her ecosystem without even knowing it and that could potentially harm the life cycle where she lives dramatically I know an ant doesn’t seem like much but there’s a very very very gentle balance that if we take the wrong piece out accidentally like extinction a whole bunch of species could die because you took there food resource away and adding a new species into an ecosystem can harm it because you are almost always adding a new predator ants are still predators even tho there very small they can take down a wasp a frog if the colony’s big enough ants are absolutely amazing creatures but you can also help your ecosystem by adding certain animals so it goes both ways maybe it could have helped where she was at and maybe not

  7. 🤮🤮🤮

  8. explosive ants 😳

  9. i got bombarded by ants today all over my ankles😬🥵😬🥵

  10. Least it wasn’t bed 🛏 bug 🦀

  11. 👍💝👍

  12. omg 🤢

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