Airline: Belligerent Woman Might Miss Her Own Wedding | A&E

Airline: Belligerent Woman Might Miss Her Own Wedding | A&E

An upset woman is in danger of missing her wedding in this clip from Season 1, Episode 13, “For Better For Worse”.


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In Airline, cameras follow the pilots, flight attendants and airport employees of Southwest Airlines, capturing passenger outbursts and heartwarming stories as well as the interactions among the crew and staff.

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48 thoughts on “Airline: Belligerent Woman Might Miss Her Own Wedding | A&E

  1. Even Friggin' Drunks need Love too??? Hope he's a drunkard too.. If not he's learning she is… I love how the legalization of booze is so pathetic.. go puke and sober up…

  2. “Do you want me to help you across the hall?”
    “No! I don’t need any help”…she says as she runs into a trash can

  3. Lady……and I use that term loosely……you were drunk before your wedding to a dude you met a month ago, MAYBE it’s your brain trying to stop you from making a humongous mistake!!

  4. Ahh!! You bring your situation upon your self lady now woman up and get sober so you can take the flight ✈️ so you can…..! I guess marrrrrried!!🙃🤣😂 sssorrrry! I think 🤔 I drink a little too much 🤪burrrp!

  5. If you get so drunk after two Heineken’s I’ll start looking for Heineken’s every time I go out.

  6. It's a common lie to get a seat on a plane. She's not getting married in Cleveland tomorrow. She's traveling light. No engagement ring. If she were getting married the next day, she would be in Cleveland already. More likely, she's just flying in for a wild weekend with Tim!

  7. "The Hangover part II" film?🍹🍻🍸 🤪

  8. I have a feeling no one cares about her recommendation on which airline to patron…………..Also pretty sure she had more than “jush two Heinekenshes”

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