AfterPrisonShow: Homeless and living in a tent

AfterPrisonShow: Homeless and living in a tent

Meet Bruce. A man who has been incarcerated, battled addiction, and who has nothing.

This man has been forced to survive…

He lives in the woods with a young woman he has adopted as his daughter who is also homeless.

Bruce’s story will open your eyes to just what life can be like for some individuals who get released after prison, and just cannot for whatever reason become one of the few lucky ones who actually succeed.

The After Prison series also tries to help Bruce and the young woman who lives with him. But hell, we can barely help ourselves…

Still, even with that, I’ve made it my personal mission to provide these individuals with extra blankets and food.

The After Prison Series believes in paying it forward and if you would like to help these two awesome individuals….

I have an email address to pass along so that you may contact Bruce if you would like to offer him any assistance yourself…

feel free to hit me up on all my social media!



Twitter: @JoePGuerrero

Please watch: “AfterPrisonShow: A Transgender Woman’s struggle with Addiction and acceptance.”


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