60 Days In: Pod Threatens a Riot (Season 2 Flashback) | A&E

60 Days In: Pod Threatens a Riot (Season 2 Flashback) | A&E

Displaced after their pod is flooded, inmates without water threaten violence in this clip from Season 2, Episode 9, “Sewer Gate.” #60DaysIn
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“60 Days In” offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars as innocent volunteers are sent to live among the general prison population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.

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34 thoughts on “60 Days In: Pod Threatens a Riot (Season 2 Flashback) | A&E

  1. Ok let’s get this straight, the police officers can tase them, pepper spray them, handcuff them, restrain them and be in their business 24/7 but they can’t go a cm away just to get water for them to drink. Wow these guards have no common sense what so ever and they think they own the place. WHEN IN REALITY THEY ARE BUNCH OF LOSERS

  2. Why can't they send someone to the wal-mart to buy bottles of water? I can buy a case of 24 for $2.00 where I live. Or take some coolers somewhere and fill them up. They don't have any drinks in the commissary store they can give them? How can you deny someone water? You need water more than food.

  3. That one dude said they only understand one thing violence yeah OK that’s why you’re in prison and they are not

  4. every police officer should have to spend 10 days or so in Jail before starting their job, so they can understand what the other side is like. or better yet, every CO should have to experience that, since they seem to be among the most awful people I have ever seen.

  5. I’m sorry but I’d have to flatten that Rickys head he does my head in

  6. They weren’t giving out bottle water because it can be turned into a weapon

  7. I love how everyone that views this suddenly has years of experience in inmate management, sorry guys this isn't prison architect, that is available on steam and you can go see how well your perfect prison works there

  8. sewage flowing & cheeks gettin’ busted

  9. It would of cost 100 dollars to get enough 24 packs of water for the jail so this is a major lack of individual think on the officers part. To me if this happened even if they are criminals I’d get that water plain and simple. It’s sad 6 guards couldn’t put up a bit to help out

  10. They telling them to sit down like bro wtf ain t nobody gon wanna sit down in sewer water🤢

  11. 300 people = 13 packs of 24 water bottles . If each pack is $3 then that’s $40. The COs can’t put together $40 for a basic human right ???? These people are sickening and incompetent

  12. I don’t know about you but I just don’t like that officer Noel guy

  13. Just wonder that every meal they have a pot of drinking water for inmates and the inmates have their own cups so why can't they buy a few bottles of water and pour it in there?

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