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After Sheri tips off the officers that there are drugs in her pod, the CO’s conduct a shakedown, but one inmate manages to hide contraband right under their noses in this clip from Season 2, Episode 8, “Institutional Knowledge”. #60DaysIn #60Daysof60DaysIn
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“60 Days In” offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars as innocent volunteers are sent to live among the general prison population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.
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"detective girth"
Some times the best hidding spot is in plain sight. Well almost
When she said "Welcome to the trap house cuz we just got raided by the feds" i cant stand white girls like that so cringey and now i know why she is there..lmao
ashley kinda fine 😂
Ashley ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ🥴
Cameraman is the most loyal person in this lol
Question why don't they keep it up in them and take it out for use……strange
Shepherd's Chapel Network !!!!!!! Pastor Murray is an Anointed Servant of GOD who teaches the Word of GOD with Authority!!!!!!!
1:14 YUM
Does anyone know about curly-haired ashley? the one that’s really stuck.
Sheri u snitch.
Why the Cameraman doesnt say the Officers That they got Drugs?
sheri a snitch
Lol the bloody inmates put the drugs in the cup I would love to not be an
The officers are so dumb it’s soo sad but funny
this is so frustrating to watch- its so obvious
camera man aint no snitchðŸ§ÂÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
them girls look good lol
Why didn't they just get the dogs in. Dumb
Umm hello, cup with a lid, open it. I hope these C.O.'s got fired. This search was pathetic.
the inmates make it so clear there hiding something there all like 😯😬😶ðŸ¤ÂÂÂÂ😧👀
Whats that curly hair girl name?
How much clues does the carema man have to give u
Ashley lowkey cute
Imagine being so miserable you volunteer to go to jail just to rat on people already at their worst.
Y'all think the guards watched this back and feel extra dumb?
Just follow tbe cameramen u dummies!!!
Someone help me find Ashley fr ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
camera man aint no snitch🥶
the fat CO think she´s sherlock
How do the cameras know but don't tell the gaurds?? Wtf?? Really 😄
Did Sarah Bell die? She is beautiful and fun. I searched on Google about her and just found an obituary. Is it really?
(0:27 ) my crush
Finding contraband is a waste of time when it is continuously brought in. Gonna hit the source. Unfortunately, when the source is found they are allowed to resign with no punishment. Or even worse. The source is protected by the high ups. 😆😆😆ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
If these girls protected their own lives like they protect drugs then they wouldn't be so bad off goes to show where you put your energy is where you manifest your truth… and that will continue until that mind is changed
You can also always tell who the snitch is too 🥴
Ashley FyeðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
En español porfavor
Hidden in plain sight.