During a shakedown, the officers find contraband in D-Pod where Isaiah and Zac are now staying in this clip from Season 1, Episode 8, “Shakedown”. #60DaysIn
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“60 Days In” offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars as innocent volunteers are sent to live among the general prison population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.
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Why don't we keep shuffling inmates loke this? would dssteoy pod bosses. they won't be able to stay long enough to establish.
Hope they realise there's only the guy they put in there who could be the snitch having just arrived and now shakedowns start
I worked on a new prison build in the UK
Every light had to be replaced 1 month after opening , as inmates had opened the light fixture pulled wires out and made the metal door live
This Chanel more addictive then all the drugs I take
I haiive too scouts honor
@2:08 dude sprawling on the ground like that had me 💀💀
So you randomly find a shank and take credit for it via training and searching meanwhile the things you orchestrated this raid for you failed entirely,
Yep, checks out for police behavior! Ugh
“Any reason why your shaking?â€ÂÂÂÂ
“Floors cold.â€ÂÂÂÂ- smooth asf
Like a 3rd world jail.
Telling an inmate that could literally put a hit on your family to shut up is not the best move. You can’t really tell someone to shut up in jail and not expect to be disrespected back.
"no heroin or phone was found"
They didn't try hard enough. Everybody who's ever been to jail knows exactly where that stuff is hidden lol.
First time they see a shank in their career?? God if i ever end up in jail, hope it is in the usa
Co: get up slowly
Also Co: quickly lets go
I was laughing at the guy who laying with wide arms lol
0:44 Ice cube was in Clark county
Never saw a shank his whole career? Where is this prison? Pleasantville?
Sometimes the biggest monsters aren't the ones behind bars, it's the one's behind the badges.
It’s like playing 7up in school. Heads down and tap you on the back
2:26 dudes laying down like he's dead
Can I put my shoes on 😂🤣
if the police thought this was going to make them look good they are truly delusional.
Shanks been there for years or they planted it there to make the show seem more interesting. Takes alot to get tamper proof screws off without the proper socket for it.
“Move slowly†10 seconds later “quickly, let’s go!â€ÂÂÂÂ
anyone else notice someone in the background of the video about to do heroin
No one going to talk about that one officer who basically threw the inmate to the side?
didnt anyone see daffron sprint to the bathroom?
“Transfer them to another facilityâ€ÂÂÂÂ
In other words make them someone else’s problem
2:12 literally walking him like a dog we need prison reform asap
Why most of american officer are look like they overweight ?? Are they eating donut everyday or what ?
F 12
"Appreciate the update" naw it took it him longer to walk there than the update took. He appreciates wasting time lol
Where tf is this 😂 in my county they had real guns and search dogs😂
I love ðŸ’ watching all the episodes of 60 days in
En el DÃÂÂÂÂa Internacional de las Personas Mayores te recordamos que disponemos del servicio de teleasistencia móvil para proporcionarte tranquilidad a ti y a los que más quieres.
2:25 That guy T-posing just made my day.
"I'm gonna tap you on the shoulder. Get up, move slowly. Move quickly"
get up slowly….. hurry and get up
Who is watching it when u were stoned.