60 Days In: Everyone Gets Tired of Shanese’s Complaining | A&E – Car Mod Pros Portal

In the women’s pod, the inmates are starting to get really tired of Shanese’s constant bickering in this clip from Season 6, Episode 7.

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“60 Days In” offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars as innocent volunteers are sent to live among the general prison population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.

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By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “60 Days In: Everyone Gets Tired of Shanese’s Complaining | A&E”
  1. Honestly the only person in the whole show I just wanted another inmate to attack so she'd be taken off I mean seriously who willingly goes to jail when they're so pampered they can't take the tough skin on a Apple pmsl

  2. she didn't even have a doctor's note verifying her celiac disease. Unless her primary goal was to raise awareness on this specific issue, which she didn't hint at during her interview/introductory process, then she should have planned ahead before putting herself into this situation. the girls were fairly tolerant with her considering how much she was complaining or at least how they made it seem like it was all she talked about.

  3. I don’t understand why she’s complaining to other people who’re in the same predicament as she’s in. What exactly does she expect them to do about it? She should ask the guards if there’s a nurse or someone she can speak to about her health concerns.

    If that doesn’t work perhaps she needs to re-evaluate her choices and leave the program.

    I personally believe that’s what her constant complaining is really about.
    She secretly can’t handle prison life but she doesn’t want to admit it or appear weak in the eyes of the public for voluntarily leaving the program.

    She’d rather make it look like she had no choice but to leave due to health concerns if that what she eventually decides to do.

  4. If you knew you had a gluten allergy, why would you even participate in this type of thing. Because it’s pretty obvious they don’t care about no one’s health in there.

  5. All she did was complain,what did she think was gonna happen?, people don't want to listen to someone complain 24/7 especially in jail,man up and shut up

  6. The thing is shes in jail. She thinks cause shes on the show there will be an exception. She thinks because shes on the show that things like that will be done right. The reason why shes in there to to help fix things. Meaning she should of went in knowing that things wouldnt go right.

  7. Jennifer though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  8. She’s a hypochondriac. Plain and simple. I’d have walked away from her, too. No one wants to hear that made up crying all the time.

  9. Y’all must not know what the have gluten intolerance is because y’all are so insensitive!

  10. You go Jennifer. I wish I could be there to affirm Jennifer had to put her future down. She walk away 4 times on camera while she shenesse is spewing her verbal vomit. How many times do you think she did that off camera. Shenesse is just a complaining negative type. We all know the type. They find the worse in everything and amplify every problem till its all they talk about. Jail or prison is not a country club and the officers are not there to pamper you. The officers in fact go out of their way to make your time unbearable. Not all officers are this way but the good majority take pleasure in the inmates mysery.

  11. Lol lets be real, all the women were crying and whining this whole time. Everyone praised the white girl cop but she was still ridiculous and could have blown their cover several times. It's not a hotel, I'm not sure why they could never get over that. I get her meal situation and allergies and whatnot but if it was such a deal then obviously you weren't made to go into this situation.

  12. I feel bad for this lady. Celiac is a legitimate medical condition and a gluten free diet is a legitimate medical necessity. Just because she isn’t conditioned to her surroundings and refuses to be institutionalized like the other women, it doesn’t take away the fact that she has a serious medical condition and her basic medical needs aren’t being met.
    If you can’t meet her medical needs, then release her on home confinement.
    I hope she sues.

  13. Someone had better contact the Human Rights people for prisons subjecting inmates with hypochondriacs!🤣😅😂

  14. Why do ppl sign up for 60 Days In with health issues, and expect top notch 60 Day treatment? This is what the REAL inmates have to deal with. It's called teaching them not to commit crimes & come back! Duh! 🙄

  15. I watched all the episodes on the A&E app, and at the end this girl gets smart with everyone for saying she was annoying asf. Man I'm just thankful I am watching through A&E and not dealing with that woman in real life. Thank you jesus

  16. It's Jail….. Not A Sandles Resort…. Dietary Needs are not Important cuz you are incarcerated. I disliked her massively all she did was complain but you signed up to go to jail

  17. Girl thought she was going to a resort I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️.

  18. Shanese is complaining that Jennifers complaining because she's tired of shaneses complaining 😂🤣

  19. I don’t think you should sign up if you have certain health problems or allergies. The jail won’t help any of that nor do they probably care.

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