60 Days In: Angele Blows Her Cover (Season 4 Flashback) | A&E

60 Days In: Angele Blows Her Cover (Season 4 Flashback) | A&E

When Angele reveals to the producers that she has told Gabby about her participation in the program, Colonel Adger decides to shut the entire program down in this clip from Season 4, Episode 11, “Cover Blown”. #60DaysIn
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36 thoughts on “60 Days In: Angele Blows Her Cover (Season 4 Flashback) | A&E

  1. In all honesty, she put other regular inmates in danger too. If you tell an inmate that you're an undercover, it could then create mass suspicion as other inmates begin to look at each other like suspects. All it would take then is for one crazy inmate to just stab another because of that mere suspicion.

  2. Its prison, you really think she gonna keep that a secret… im sure shes done stuff she shouldnt in prison so obviously shes gonna tell someone and the word is gonna spread

  3. Can anybody please help me understand how Angela being under cover and having an affair with Gabby puts everyone in danger? How is Angela’s actions putting everyone in jail in danger??? I don’t understand please explain.

  4. This is what the Ministry of Security did in East Germany, spying on people just to find anything that was out of line. It is wrong to profit from it. This show is commercialism at the expensive of prisoners. If the prisons want to spy they do not need a profit driven television network.

  5. I don think this girl is in touch with the reality that the rest of us live in. Scratch brains off the list of why they picked this chick to go in. She must get played alot in life!

  6. “I’m not that dumb” yes yes you are

  7. She lucky the police didn’t give her some time for doing that bull shidd 💯

  8. I’m not saying angele couldn’t have fell in love because anything is possible, but the show is called 60 days in and yes he didn’t even stay the whole 60 days like girl what 😂✋🏽. Honestly she just wanted a prison fling 😭

  9. In case anyone cares angele and gabby didnt end up together but they have been together outside. Gabby posted a pic of her pregnant with angele last year right before the quarantine.

  10. Lol tht man got up rite whn she was tlking😂😂😂😂😂he anit wanna hear tht mess

  11. That is what you get.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍🤣🤣😍

  12. "what we have is real"
    "she won't tell she loves me"
    "if we end up together than I have no regrets"

    Meanwhile 20 mins ltr Gabby is running her mouth
    "yo Angele just told me she's undercover"
    I'm dead right now haha 😆👌

  13. Why she looks like the brother from everybody hates Chris 😂😂😂😂

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