10 Things I Learned From A Business That Failed… – Car Mod Pros Portal

Today officially marks the end of the cleaning business. We have closed the doors on that venture. And shut down shop. With that, I wanted to share with you 10 things I learned from this business that failed. Hope you enjoy and find this video insightful.

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By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “10 Things I Learned From A Business That Failed…”
  1. Joe gety your self 10 builders that build new homes & use are the last in before the customers move in but watch those builders. There's big money in it & hire more woman

  2. This is a great presentation on how anyone can apply that to starting and running your own.

    I myself have a major goal of starting my own business and this info is very insightful and if you utilize these rules this man is giving you. It should keep yourself afloat. The one thing I liked what he said is that. People who don't own a business and never was the boss of anything most people on the outside perspective thinks a boss gets to sit back and collect checks while your employees do the work for you. That's the very opposite of that scenario because you have to be on top of everything and coordinate with customers employees making sure they're doing whatever task you tell them to do correctly. Being the boss is a job that demands more or the most responsibility. Etc. The list goes on and when your starting a business by yourself you have to know what it's like to do all the work on your own which is 80% or of the physical aspect of getting the job done.

  3. It's because that is woman work. Bet your wife 'tried to tell you' at least once. One more tip. Only clean windows. Omg It pays and if just a hobby. You see things not driving.

  4. This video was too focused to a cleaning business or a business similar to that. I thought this would be 10 general things. If i start a business that sells clothes, some of these tips have nothing to do with that. Sure I could probably twist it to apply, but meh. Also a lot of that is general knowledge. It seems like you had some money and went into a business idea blind. You were too generous. You trusted everyone you hired, and hired people that you felt bad for and gave them a job. There was a lot of flaws you did. What you pretty much did is, you’re at the bar with 6 of yours boys. And one guy says, hey man I just painted my boys room, and then you say, shit man! People need to paint rooms all the time. How’d the paint job come out? Then you see it came out good. All of a sudden you and those same 6 boys at the bar just started a painting company….you guys are friends! Now one of you is the boss….that’s flaw number 1. Also, none of you are professional. I can go on and on

  5. Bro I own painting and property maintenance and have been in business now for about 7years. One thing I can tell you is 5months isnt even long enough to say a business failed. Your giving up to soon. Also you've got to either be on the job or someone that you really, really, really trust be there. Nobody is going to care about your business like you. And that's a fact…Nobody!!!

  6. sorry your business failed man, I know thats gotta be hard to deal with. I have a hanyman business and I don't hire employees because its too risky. I started out doing minor repairs & cleaning for rental condos on the beach. It was a humble begining but I learned a lot about being your own boss and business. its probably a good thing you didn't have insurance on that bleached carpet job. If you file a clame with the insurance company they will drop you and other insurance companies won't pick you up. At least now you'll have a second chance in business.

  7. People do not work for money.
    They work for a cause.
    If they believe in your company's mission. They they will bend over backwards for you.
    Hire like the CIA does!

  8. Joe, I believe you have "workers" & "employees". Employees are looking for a job & a paycheck. Workers are looking for work. I was always looking for workers. Usually found them already working hard somewhere, & offered them work.

    You are almost expected to lose money the first few years as a business builds up. It takes a while to build up. The IRS doesn't punish you until you make a profit! Taxes!!!

    So, add to your list, keep every receipt, mileage logs, all expenses, for 7 years (?) in case you're audited.

    Another thing is to see which customer accounts are more profitable versus just cash flow, or busy work. Less customers, with a good profit, and a few, highly monitored workers equals steady work, steady cash flow. Also, you should fully train them to your Standards & Expectations.

    The old saying, "Are you running the business or is it running you?" Being a Boss means you never really rest.

    Good video. Not many people learn these things like you did. You should be proud you tried.

    I always gave gifts to my regular customers, like Flower Arrangements at Holidays.

  9. One thing that I learn why your business failed, that you didn't tell your viewers is that you were too cheap and was cheap balling all these people and using them,. You are a kind that plays on people's sympathy,. you don't help people for no reason it's got to be a beneficial to your side,. and if this do must have got something to say we can meet up face-to-face I can pull up those motherfuking home state anytime

  10. Did you guys ever notice the other three successful 23 + 1 and others prison shows like that,. They won't do a collaboration or talk to this guy,. But yet those guys are all communicating,. This guy is a con who plays on people's sympathy,. Real recognize real

  11. I’m an engineer. I can do damn near anything but never ever EVER have I been able to clean to the level of what my wife considers “clean”.
    Super respect to all the cleaners out there cause it’s more then I can do for sure

  12. You didn't fail Joe, you just learnt a huge lesson. You'll know better next time. List, lists and more lists, check of the checking of. You know how now, and don't forget you at running a business man. APS do I need to spell it? And your doing a bloody good job mate👍👍❤️😄. Greetings from Perth West Australia 🇦🇺

  13. Awesome video Joe. I was running a business with my brother but family and business just didn't mix well for us. The business itself was going well (when we weren't fighting which became rarer and rarer). Now we've moved on pretty much and don't even talk about the business or do work on it (it's a snow removal, leaf raking and lawn mowing company). The catch 22 for us was not having enough workers to book more work but not having enough work for workers to be enticed to work with us. Live and learn and I hope I and you are successful in our next ventures. Peace!

  14. Sorry your venture didn't pan out. Good on you for giving it a serious go. Don't stop trying. It takes balls to try and most would rather be safe working for someone else. I say keep giving it a run as long as you can. it's the Babe Ruth rule. He hit a ton of home runs but he also struck out the most because he always swung for the fences. Keep swinging and you'll get that home run brother. Well, another home run because I'd say this channel was a Homer. I remember when you were at 20k subs and recently got out. You've come along way. As for your list, I say the biggest thing is you gotta check the work. Any labor/construction job you may as well pay someone to do quality control full time once you have 6+ employees or more than a few jobs going simultaneously. If that employee has done their inspection then they can help out elsewhere but their top priority should be quality control. Just having that person in that role with help keep all employees accountable and they will automatically improve their work if they know they won't get away with cutting corners. It doesn't work when you wait for the client to complain because by then teh culprits have already left the site and like he said you end up sending someone else. the other perk is you can weed out the workers that just can't cut it. If you have someone to check their work every day or watch them for an hour or two you can let them go sooner than later. I know it's hard to find good guys and it's especially hard to find someone that you could trust with quality control. If you and your partner (if you have a business partner) are busy full-time pricing jobs and lining up the work then consider hiring someone to do that job while you do quality control. There are people that go to school to learn how to price work and can do that for you. It may cost you more at the beginning but if you're able to be out in the field and you're holding everyone accountable then you save in the end because you'll have minimal deficiencies. Also, you'll get to know your crew and their skills. This helps as your company grows because you will have an idea of who to promote and where they fit best. It's hard to know these things when you're in teh office all day looking at CAD drawings and doing fucking math. Odds are you'll end up making more mistakes than someone that went to college for construction management so just pay the fucker to do that shit and run your business from the field. If you can even get on teh tool every once in a while then even better because you'll be less likely to burn out from the grind and you can bond with your crew that way/

  15. Joe what’s next? Don’t wait for your ship to come in, swim out and board the MF!

  16. Wait literally you just made a video saying you werent failing, and that you just got a big job powerwashing and stuff. How did things suddenly go bad again

  17. Your biggest issue was thinking anyone could do it. Hiring anyone.

    Should have taken your time before starting, looking for the best experienced talent.

    If you did that (or do it again) you'll succeed

  18. 😂😂😂😂 when you started talking about insurance I just thought to myself…..bleach 😂😂😂

  19. You learned more running that business for a few months than most people in college learn in 4 years, and you don’t have crushing student debt. Can’t call that a failure.

  20. You gave it your all brother. I did notice a few things while you were cleaning that I might be able to help you out with. My grandmother ran one of the most successful cleaning businesses in central Indianapolis for 20 years. I had the pleasure of working with her for over half of that time. If you would like any advice about the cleaning business the ups and downs the last in the right let me know. I've also started a business in 2012 and I am continuing to grow as we speak. It is not cleaning but I learned a lot about business from my grandmother. Good luck to you you've got what it takes to make something great happen. S*** you've already made so many great things happen with your channel and the things that you do for other people. You've got a good home and a good life. Keep up the hard work brother

  21. Joe from one business owner to another: start over somewhere else. U said "successful business that failed…" That is impossible. Its one or the other. Do it in another city and make another LLC and SCREEN THE SHIT out of applicants.

  22. 5:21 It should be “Be a Leader” not “Be a Boss”. You do not boss people around you are there to serve your employees and lead by example.

  23. You started your company with employees. That was the first mistake. It’s gotta be just you and a homie. Or your bottom girl. Someone who has your back and does things ur way. That’s how u get the checks coming in. Then u hire the extra help little by little. There’s work out there and it’s tempting to jump on all of it as you figure dam look at all that money I can get. But as you learned, it don’t work like that. U gotta grow your company by developing recruitment, training and budgets.

  24. Joe, I find it quite admirable that you are able to take an introspective look at the reasons for your lack of success. Taking personal responsibility is not always easy to do. A lot of people are unable or unwilling to look inside themselves, accept responsibility for theirs and others actions and make the necessary changes. Especially when it's not all sunshine and roses. As the owner, you are responsible for the success or the failure of your employees. I'm not overly focused on how a manager does when things are going right. I'm interested in seeing how he/she handles things when the proverbial 'itshe hits the fan' and the subsequent aftermath. It's during those times that I can see what that person is really made of. My glimpse into you is only that which I see from your videos; a pretty limited picture to say the least. That said, I believe you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Your list of 10 reasons is a great start to learning from your mistakes. Many prosperous individuals didn't make it on their first, second, third, etc. try. One thing they all have in common is that they learned from their mistakes and didn't let them get in the way of trying again. This whole experience will only have been a failure if you let this get in the way of your next endeavour, or if you repeat the same mistakes again. So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, get organized, make a plan and hit the pavement running! Best of luck!

  25. I'm a custodian for 12+ years… Cleaning isn't hard. But- There are some lazy ass people out there…Usually if someone is lookin for a Cleaning job means they really have no other skills and want the easiest job out there… You also need to train them for a whole day so they know the expectations your lookin for…. then hand them the cleaning shit and watch them…if they suck , cut them loose.

  26. If you've noticed, a lot of people talk about how a few of Trump's previous businesses went bankrupt. This is a norm in business. You're gonna fail. And fail. And fail. Until you don't. Just keep at it and never keep all your eggs in one basket. Also, keep an eye out for that passive income. Youtubes one. Look for businesses that require little to no work after the beginning. Self car washes, laundromats, self storage….. These you pay someone you trust for the day to day and just check up on it once a week or so. Maybe go in to do the bank drops every day/ every other day. This will bring a steady income and let you focus on other ventures as well

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