Why vloggers buy so many cars (Financial Breakdown)

Why vloggers buy so many cars (Financial Breakdown)

Ever wondered if there is any logic other than pure impulse behind my decisions? A bit of an abstract video for me to make, but I thought it would be cool to show a bit of what goes on behind the scenes and makes all these cool projects possible! CYBER MONDAY CLOSEOUT – http://LZMFG.com


22 thoughts on “Why vloggers buy so many cars (Financial Breakdown)

  1. Some YouTubers don’t know anything about cars and just buy more cars

  2. This was incredibly inspiring, exactly what i'm trying to do, make my hobby self sufficient. I don't need it to make me money overall, that's why I'm a pharmacist. But if YouTube could pay me to have a kaiser deuce and a half to drive over cars, turbo something that should never have a turbo, race in the king of the hammers, etc that would be awesome. I know this video is a couple years old now but thank you for making it!

  3. I wii be giving away supra cheap supercar to one of my lucky subscriber this month if we gain 500 subscriber…if we hit 500 subs i will be flying out one subscriber and will be starting a vlog about cars

  4. I don't even have my first one yet🤦‍♂️

  5. hey man ive been subscribed but idk its still been a minute since i seen one of your videos and holy shit dude….. 20 cars!?!? blew my fucking mind and almost 3mil subs? Good shit dude.

  6. Your an inspiration man. I remember the come up, seeing Adam 22 make jokes twrds u. Why also trying to understand your fan base looong b4 your passion for cars kicked in. Its been awesome seeing your channel evolve. 🍾 congrats
    And itd b reallllly dope to actually see u build a Honda bubble hatch or sumthing. K swap AWD. Lmao just for laughs I think it could b cool. I kno id like to see it 👀. Wat u would do with the platform.

  7. Thanks Adam for explaining this subject so well. Fascinating 😁

  8. I’ll give you 15 rn for the s15 HMU lol

  9. I just started watching your vids about a month ago and I went back to almost the beginning. Love every video man, including this one! The honesty is real. And I am so pissed that I missed you at Joyride 150 lol. Been there multiple times as its only an hour from me!

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