SCOOTERS DON’T BELONG IN OUR VIDEOS! I probably would have told you that 2 years ago, but my view on the sport has been changing drastically over time. These awesome kids really just reminded me that it shouldn’t matter what we do at the park as long as we’re having fun and respecting each other. Nicole and I have a blast hanging out and riding at two Florida skateparks! (Description Continued)
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Nicole and I hit up Port Orange skatepark and then grab some lunch before heading to Jericho Skatepark of Daytona. Jericho is known for having a lot of scooters because it’s like the one place that no one really picks on them. The cool thing is the staff at Jericho and the people that go there really take the time to help the younger kids with park etiquette – so they honestly get in the way less than your new bmx rider. I think if we treat the kids on scooters with a bit more respect they’ll be more likely to view BMX in a positive light and actually consider switching over at some point. I’m not saying either sport is better than the other, but I really do think if we all get along it will make everyone’s lives easier.
Tweets by Adam_LZ
We miss Nicole!
whats his merch web called
Everyone just gonna ignore the fact that this man teleported from the door into the garage he literally ran thru a wall lmao
Bruh wheres webisode 57..
Rip sfc they shut down
She is georgous wish yall were still togather
those slow motion jumps were sick!!!!!!!!!!!
360 Smith wow
Who's watching in 2018
Good job adam I subbed
It was a motorcycle
I like ur webisodes
i did scooter now i do bmx… mostly
Nicole is awesome
What happened at 3:49
I only subscribed for drifting,bmx,and car stuff not vloging
What tires do you use,?
why did'nt you're parents ever get maried?and do you guys vist nicoles parents?.
Nicole and Adam should have a baby