Taylor gets out of work at 5:30. It gets dark at 6. Using these around the neighborhood when it’s dark out gets sketchy – so we added some lights! Fun, Safe, and Hotboi AF. ALL LINKS FOR STUFF IN VIDEO IS BELOW.
LED Footwell Kit + Rear option – http://www.diodedynamics.com/store/led-bulbs/led-strip-accent-kits/footwell-kits/single-color-diode-dynamics-footwell-led-kit
(You’ll also need a 12v charger)
Tweets by Adam_LZ
Do the wheels last long ? or do they burn out quickly?
I’d run the lights on the board not the undercarriage bars… see all the scratches on those from curbing it??? First curb and led’s out
Orb Weaver spider
The worst thing you can do is try to up grade a crazy cart with out decent tools!!!
Just bought a crazy kart of someone that had lights attached he attached the lights to the middle battery so it died faster creating stress on the other two wasting them away and he constantly replaced them. The point is make sure you either get another power source or create a way to drain all 3 batteries at the same time. Or you will go through many batteries
so im building a crazy cart atm and its made me stumble across this video, its crazy how far youve come, also taylors 3s are fire haha
4 years ago I watches this :')
Adam you should try customizing these more pleaseree
I fiiiinally found the intro song after this was uploaded
Its called: suddenly saraomusic
I live 10 minutes away from you I know from riverside
instead of getting metal and drilling it u can use a ruler that’s metal👠LIFE HACK
cool cart im planning to do diy prototype cart but exacly the same as orginal xl can you send me more detailed dimmensions of this cart in milimeters in image thanks: https://imgur.com/zLhZO98 just edit it in paint and send me back if you can.
Got damn why does it cost so much 😵
Holy shit you know motobroo!!! Hell yeah other than fooligan hes my fav motovlogger!
I just got a crazy cart xl and when I’m drifting the wheel wears out in 1 to 2 days. What wheels do you recommend?
6:14 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I got the crazy cart shift
MOTOBROOOOOOO!!!!! I never knew they knew each other!🤪🤪🤪
You should put a 12v for the back then connect it to the back wheels
Put a motor on the crazy cart
Motobrooooooooo!!!!!! Whoow
How much do thank old school mongoose is
Omg pause at 4:32 at Nicole's face
in Russia you don't wire the wires the wires wire you