Battling the heat is always something drag racers will have to deal with, and it continues to get trickier as the average cars horsepower number keeps climbing year by year. For the small tire class at SCT Charlotte, it was all about getting through 1st round, and hoping that the track cools off for the later rounds. There’s LOTS of sick cars in this video – don’t miss out!
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With the tariffs on all your products and shipping to Canada 🇨🇦, I can no longer afford to support you….sorry it affects us all 😢
16:33 That 4th gen is fkn crazy
Tsunami ain't nothing to play with. I met the owner of the car years ago. I've watched the whole build process of this car.
As soon as I saw the Supra I knew Fred would wet his pants. Only thing better for him would be a 2j VW
Love the new coverage, View over the runs are top notch 1320 never fails and the reason why they're #1 in dragrace coverage 👏🏾
Lovin that red Nova! 🔥🔥🔥
That big block procharged firebird comes to my track pretty often. Greer dragway
Happy b day fred
all steel all glass class is pretty crazy . some big dogs in that class
29:01 one hell of a beer keg
Great video as usual. Too many mustangs!
12:15 is it just me or is Godzilla inside that big block 😂 holy rev limiter
I was always wondering why are there always so little spectators? (Except world cup) Is amateur drag racing so boring for people? Makes me sad to see, it’s always such a good show. Much love for drag racing from Germany! 🇩🇪
🍻 🤝 "UBI"
I thought Trevor’s Ls motors were cheap, but Trevor says “he can’t afford to rebuild the motor it if he hurts it” he really knows that black chevrogay swapped excessive coupe didn’t wanna get the gap from a small block ford and lose so he took a kneel like the good lil bish he is. Ford always gonna be on top 🤟🏼🦊
Running a no-time event in a sport that is all about times is the equivalent to having a football game with no touchdowns, in my humble opinion. Incredibly dumb. Smart move by 1320 to not put that it the title because they at least got a click from me. Such is life. We move on.
Pete builds great ls engines ive seen tons you aint competing in radial racing sorry
That LTD looks really good tires tucked and sleeper looking minus the chunky rear tire.
Yall always trying to talk to the cars…. you ever try to interview the drivers? I bet they'd say more than "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP"
"simple setup" as it's got a billet block and typically running on 80psi of boost
Its not the job of the track to fix ill racecars!
Tkm to the front with that Ford power motor with hemi heads. I like it
Stands sure looking empty.
i NEED to me the setups on the TKM cars
My man!! @1320video using my car as thumbnail,much appreciated!! Can’t wait to get this season rolling!!! @Notimeracing
Hands down one the most boring race coverage I’ve ever watched. This channel’s content has been steadily going downhill.
Happy birthday Fred!
That announcer is garbage lmao
Very cool bro
Man, how can you pay all the money for a track day. And they change your curfew by an hour at the last minute. Thats fucked
Best car content on YouTube
Great job as usual guys
"They did not lie, that thing is loud as fuck" 😂😂😂
I seriously lol'd at that commentary Fred 😂
Nice dogshit right lane
The only good thing coming from the USA the next 4 years, Thanks 1320
Day 8-9 of asking for y’all’s to come to Rocky Mountain Race Week in Montana this upcoming june
Who is the person in the back window of that foxbody?
This must be some saved content from back in june. I think that's when it happens.
That Black & Gold TransAm was bitchin! 😂
That nova is dropdead gorgeous!
At least that supra driver knows how to do a burnout. There was some soft efforts