“The Basic Parts of a Car” has actually been a long standing request to me, I was glad to be able to fill that request with this video. I will say that I didn’t cover EVERYTHING but I feel this is a pretty good overview of the basic components of a modern car. Feel free to add your own input in the comments. Here are those video links I promised that may give you more in depth information.
VIN decoder
Basic Parts of an Engine
Replacing a Hydroboost unit
AC Basics
Overheat Diagnosis video
Octane and the 4 Stroke Engine
CV Boot Replacement video
Disc Brake Replacement video
Drum Brake video
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Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information.  EricTheCarGuy assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. EricTheCarGuy recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video.  Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not EricTheCarGuy.
I aint going to the car meet and looking like a fool, so here I am
exellent job
Thank you sir…
Awesome, dude!
I’m 19 years old and I hardly know anything about cars. I have been wanting to learn about cars for a while already and this video is really helpful! I appreciate it ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ½
this is going to go in one ear and out the other but i'm rly trying my best here, i'm pretty interested in cars but it's just not super intuitive for me
I already know lots about cars, I just want to make sure I don’t miss anything before my first day of automotive class in highschool
The dreary humor concordantly open because rooster compatibly haunt beside a changeable gosling. flimsy, adjoining fibre
The fretful guatemalan differently rot because angora intraspecifically spark alongside a rotten character. needy, possessive mole
As a 12 year old I was talking with a friend about what we would want to do when we grow up and we both talked about a car shop or a mechanic shop.
And after that we talked a lot about it,what it would be called,how we would get the money, all that jazz.
But we barely know anything about actual cars except for parts that even a non-car-guy would know.
Big help I appreciate it a lot.
Yes my spelling is terrible I know.
When you look at how much shier engineering that goes into a motor vehicle, it's truly a wonder that they're as cheap as they are.
What car that*?
actually its not the quarter panel its called as rear fender ……. and nothing else
your good keep it up.
He is one in a million, best among many, most trusted , I almost gave up on trading then I met him through a friend, Austin is the most trusted trading expert who helped the life of my family and I ,.
my dad never knew how to fix cars. not even driving 😂
Great video. I've been working on my own cars for a little while but didn't know some of the names of parts so this is great. So far have done shocks, breaks, wheel bearings, and other general maintenance and not only do I have fun doing it but have saved my family $1000's since I've learned more about cars. This is possibly the greatest use of YouTube is diy home repairs/car repairs. Knowledge is power.
Thank you so much! As a first time car buyer, I'm looking for a basic understanding of how a car works so I feel confident in negotiating prices when I head to a dealership. Great Video
Needed to teach myself and best part is this is my car
As someone who works in a business of cars, this helps me and my customers get the products we need faster. Everyone should know this about their car before they own one
Can you help me get started with repairing my 2002 1500 Dodge Ram pickup. My battery keeps dying relatively fast because I believe their is a fuse or something that is shorting it out somewhere in the truck. I even had the alternator replaced and that didn’t do anything. It’s really frustrating. I appreciate any help you can offer. I thought maybe Rams were notorious with certain fuses going out or something.
brings back memories i loved my 1991 toyota corolla so much less crap on cars then
nice, a coop
"or even better make a video response"
damn remember those things lmao
Igniter vs Points distributor vs HEI
I have a 1990 Lincoln Town with the Windsor V8. Looking for tune-up advice, how to get the best fuel efficiency. upgrading does sound like less maintenance but questioning ROI Return On Investment? btw the car has sat for 8 years and running well on warm days. but if I don't let it warm up 20* F or colder and try to drive off after 10 min it seems rough until it gets to operating temp. also after 45 to 1hr idle to op temp. it will kill the motor most of the time when I change gears R or D. I haven't noticed during warmer days dying during gear change but I have only had it for three weeks.
i see alot of rusty bolt, do you have some list where should we put grease to protects those bolts?
Why did I watch this entire 30 minute video when I already knew all this information
You have a new sub bro! 💯
Packages trays are called "Hutablage" over here, "hat deposit"
I have a '92 Geo Prizm, I've done SO much to it. It's an amazing and reliable car!
This looks like the car that the tlc guy has a relationship with
so i’m really out here watching this because i grew up obsessed with cars but didn’t have anyone to teach me and eventually wanna get a project car
Who else dad wasn’t there 💀
Wow Im still watching this on 2021