Subaru Legacy, Setting Differential Preload -EricTheCarGuy

Subaru Legacy, Setting Differential Preload -EricTheCarGuy

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So I decided to go for it and try and snug up the carrier bearings on my Subaru differential. As you can see in the video things don’t go as planned but I also took the opportunity to show a little of how a differential works and how to set one up. I also cover the factory procedure for setting preload on a Subaru front differential so if you find yourself in a place where you have to do such a thing you’ll have that information after watching this video. I’ve been driving the Subaru for a few days since I did this work and I can say that I really haven’t noticed any difference. This might be helpful to you if you’re doing this to try and address a hesitation issue with a Subaru. I don’t think this will address that issue at all. In fact I feel my issue is inside the transmission which I may remove and rebuild at some point just to see if I’m right.

Stay dirty


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29 thoughts on “Subaru Legacy, Setting Differential Preload -EricTheCarGuy

  1. I know this is a old video, but is this a bad idea? My old Subaru doesn't have a slip but more of a "wobble " and I think it's coming from the differential

  2. My thoughts on this even though I'm 7 years late!
    Firstly Eric, love your channel.
    Watched heaps of your content so I know your a great self taught mechanic with a good scientific mind.
    This video was highly entertaining.
    I'm thinking if pinion backlash is your problem, as I suspect it is with my '03 Impreza Wagon, then you'd need to move the entire carrier one way or the other.
    This would be done by tightening one side and backing out the other depending on which direction you need it to move (I'm sure you know this now).
    Considering you couldn't break one of the threads it's no surprise you're effort was not successful.
    I'm gonna give this a go at both my diffs.
    My car feels like riding a jackhammer when I float between coast and load and the idle wants one or the other.
    Very irritating!

  3. I have the same issue. My axle shafts are loose also. Just changed the steering rack and then cv joints which I though were shot but actually not that bad. I was getting some loud banging noise especially at slow speeds and small bumps. Now I realise it was the axle shafts. Really keen to give this a go. I have 360k on my SF5 Forester GT already but other than this it’s running awesome. THANKS FOR YOUR VIDEO.

  4. Haha, 7 years later here, heard my forester was making like a hammering strike noise with every spin of the wheel when you take the brakes out and she begins to run on her own, turn out the differential had a lot of play, took it like 1 turns plus 6 more teeth to tighten the left side following the instructions before tightening the right side to spec

  5. I believe the factory set play on the passenger side is normal. It prevent overloading and binding the bearing on that side when the pinion applies force to the ring gear.

  6. I have the exact same car 97 outbAck wagon, just bought it last night and my drive side wheel looks like it has camber, which is not suppose since no other wheel have it, also
    It’s very clunky when driving, ERIC I NEED YOU HELP

  7. Eric, what if the axle has pulled out from the diff about 1" – shiny metal shaft is showing, I could still feel the pin for the axle, and car does not move at all…I think something broke in the transmission or differential..

  8. What’s the stub called that’s sticking out of the diff

  9. I have a 1994 svx and Im in the process of switching the gears from one differential to another. After I remove the retainers how can I wiggle the whole gear set up out of the case??? My old broken one was easy to get out because it had female splines. The good gears I'm about to take out of the bad case have male splines like in this video. Sorry if Im confusing you I would just like to know the easiest way to get it out. #projectsvx

  10. A long pry bar from the top of the engine bay and a bfh will knock those retainers right out. Anyhow this video did not demonstrate how to “set” the preload while the trans is inside the car. If you had some kind of plan in mind or instructions at hand then that would’ve been helpful to share.

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