R34 GTR Update (Fabrication Decisions)

R34 GTR Update (Fabrication Decisions)

So much planning going into this build to make sure it’s perfect!
Thanks MVMT for sponsoring this video! — Check it out https://www.mvmt.com/lz
BLACK FRIDAY DEALS @ http://LZMFG.com – Starts Midnight Thursday
Steering wheels available at 3PM EST Friday
http://enjukuracing.com with code “ADAMLZ” for free S15 lanyard and free shipping on orders over $50


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39 thoughts on “R34 GTR Update (Fabrication Decisions)

  1. Nobody:
    Adam LZ: “Hey Johan, can you cut a strait piece of pipe into like 8 or so pieces and weld it into a strait piece”
    Johan: “Sure Adam. I’ll do the math to get the right pie cut angles and make you a nice sweeping arc.”
    Adam: “Oh. No I meant keep it strait, just in sections like cut it weld it back together”

  2. To be honest those wheels look cheap, but that's maybe do to the fact that i'm used to "stock" wheels in modern cars, and they look a lot better, but mostly because they're mounted and have different colours, black is very hard to make look good

  3. How much did the s15 cost you in all this car because I would like to grow up as a drifter and I would like to do it with this machine and I would like to know in all of what these changes cost

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