Podcast January 9, 2011 12pm EST – Eric The Car Guy
Stop in, say hi. See you Sunday.
Click below and Stay Dirty
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Stay dirty
Ah yes the day I was born
@siemenstraffic If you go to the player on my site you can get a link to past episodes and listen any time you like. They are also on iTunes under CarAndTruckTalk.
Darn.. I missed both podcast… Did anyone recorded them?
@DriftingFWWA Awesome, thanks.
@sexymd39 Next show will be on January 23 at 12pmEST if you can make it. Sorry I missed you too.
@Michiganborn1969 Me either because we had originally wanted to make it a 30min show.
@dhshark Glad you liked it thanks.
@moolieboy Cool, I will on the next one thanks.
Awesome show Eric! Didn't even know an entire hour went by untill the show was over. Thanks for taking my call.
Ok, because in the video you said Rich Baxter. Had me a litttle confused not that it's hard to do anyway lol
@Michiganborn1969 Scott Baxter, the co-host.
@DRIFTINGIN808 It would be, I think he's going to be busy for a while though.
@sleepinggiant90 If you click on the link on the website it will take you to the page with all that stuff.
Any word on an RSS feed URL?
u should have got Ted Williams to do the voice over for this. that would be sweet lol.
Cool thanks. I'll give it a try tomorrow night when I get home. Btw, who's Scott? Would that be scottaner500?
@Michiganborn1969 That's cool but if you wanted to you could install the software for free. I think Scott mentioned it's archived somewhere else too but I don't remember where, you can click the link and find out.
Hummm nope, don't have an Ipod or simular device. We have 2 desktops & 4 laptops all of witch run on Windows XP or Vista. We also have the PS3 & Xbox, my gf has the Droid & I have the Blackberry. That sums up all of our internet devices. Thank you for the reply.
@Michiganborn1969 You can download iTunes free from apple on your PC if you want, it really is just a media player and if you have an iPod or similar device it is the gateway to all your media. They have a section for podcasts and most of them are free to listen to including mine as the library gets built up.
Interesting, I'll have to give a listen if I'm free. Cool idea. It should be pretty awesome.
great I will look into this coming sunday
… you're too funny, Eric ! loves that fine & specific humour at the end. stay dirty *
I don't have to have an Ipod to play Itunes do I? I was an error on my schedule for sunday. I start work at 1:30pm PST. Also I'm not totally sure what an Itune is b/c I never had to purchase one before.
@Begbucks Wasn't me.
@920gamez Your in luck, that will be Monday's video, I'm editing it tomorrow.
@Michiganborn1969 Podcast can be video or audio but lets start with audio and see how things go. Don't worry if you don't make the show live because you will be able to catch it anytime afterward on iTunes.
@dcanon Looking forward to having you.
@ClaudioArrau I'll try and remember Sunday but I did write it in the description!
I will be listening
i will stay dirty
🙂 well cool 🙂
Call me a little slow when it comes to technology but I thought with Podcast we would be able to see and hear you on sunday via some kind of webcam or something. Anyway I should just barely make it to the start of the show since I get off work at 2:15pm PST & it takes me 1/2 hour to get home. I will look forward to it.
Great mate !
We get to listen to ya live !
If only i get to convert your est to our gmt !!!!!
Cheers be well !
Sounds awesome…I'll definitely check it out!
Cool gonna be their, and surely gonna ask a question lol
That's cool…looking forward to listening.
OMG, Eric, you didnt tell us to stay dirty…. you forgot it hehehe.
Nice videos. Best regards
u forgot to say stay dirty!!
@pauliewalnutzz so is your face
looking forward to it about time people give u more exposure
@emmett442 stfu lame