Podcast February 27, 2011 12pm EST – EricTheCarGuy

Podcast February 27, 2011 12pm EST – EricTheCarGuy

Podcast February 27, 2011 12pm EST – EricTheCarGuy




Join us for the podcast on Sunday, we’ll try not to screw it up this time.

Click below and Stay Dirty

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24 thoughts on “Podcast February 27, 2011 12pm EST – EricTheCarGuy

  1. thanks Eric you made us my wife and i laugh thru this video since you like saying ''stay dirty '' my wife read that and said ''look it says stay dirty so i aint taking a shower'' lol thanks for all your videos they are the best and hilarious 

  2. @l3lackout77 Yea that sucks. I wish I could be of help but to be honest I really don't know what to tell you since the computer is looking for something that isn't there anymore. Is there anyway you could swap some of the old parts off the old engine? Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  3. Also continuing, The exaust is putting out fine on the car I just need the engine light to go off and the code to not show up that the air control valve is bad. It has a place for a small hose to run from but just nowhere to run it to…Thanks again Eric…

  4. Eric, I have swapped the engine in my 2000 Chevy Malibu. Ok, before the motors were swapped the engine light was on and tested that the oxygen sensor was bad, (bank 1) Ok, now this engine tests that the air control valve is bad but its not showing the sensor is bad . The air control valve is the plastic hand size thing on the left side facing and it is not bad it just doesn't have anywhere to go. The new engine dont have all the smog control like the old one. Can you help me at all…Thanks Eric

  5. hey eric… you are famous all over the world…
    here at my shop in brazil we all watch your videos to learn more about american and japanese cars…
    keep up with good work and thank you for your videos…

  6. Love the sound FX lmao. No wonder I couldn't find last weeks podcast under "previous podcasts" part of the player. I'm sadden because I missed that was the only p-cast that I missed b/c I was out of town 🙁 I look forward to hearing Dwayne, I watch a lot of his video & it looks like he's got more then just a few years experience. More like a few decades. Its always the techs with grey I trust my vehicle with.

  7. The fucking carandtrucktalk guy sounds like he doesn't even want to answer any question's. Like he's bored out of his mind. Geez such a good way to get somebody hooked. Also what the hell is with the 80's guitar intro. Get rid of that shit, UGH!!!

  8. Ha ha… Just discovered about the podcasts, well let's say my 'senior moment' I guess. Anyway, big thumbs up for your funny and foremost educational uploads Eric!

  9. I am glad to hear that Dewayne is participating in the pod cast because I too like his site.Eric I love your videos but I also like his site too.You both are very knowledgeable about automobiles and I love the videos.

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