Our Dodge Neon SRT4 Immediately Blew up…

Our Dodge Neon SRT4 Immediately Blew up…

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WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.


24 thoughts on “Our Dodge Neon SRT4 Immediately Blew up…

  1. These are very reliable cars when taken care of . People hate on them because they’re jealous usually is what I’ve heard talked about , they won’t admit it . But I’ve caught people admiring how good it sounded and how quick it was for a compact . I’d have to totally agree

  2. Man I had an 03 and sold it so my wife could get a better car when she was pregnant. I miss that thing! I’ll take it if ya guys need to get rid of it lol😂

  3. Dear @throtl I have a 2010 focus ses coupe’ flame blue metallic 😮. I owned since brand new 🎉 . It’s a different car n style, help me give it the @throtl vibes!!

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