LZ Compounds Executive House & Official Overview

LZ Compounds Executive House & Official Overview

For our last tour of the LZ Compound we look inside a few more buildings and the executive house. This place is insane! Get 15% off, free shipping, and free returns at http://MVMT.com/LZ


50 thoughts on “LZ Compounds Executive House & Official Overview

  1. This place is going to be so sick once you guys clean everything, repaint the buildings so not everything is green and tan, and update all the tech. You could make that house so modern.

  2. 16:21 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  4. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  5. It was probably a mining rig 😳

  6. LZs neverland ranch except he doesn’t sleep with kids

  7. Was that a “how I met your mother” reference at the end?

  8. You guy are really for the purge!!! Lol😂

  9. I hate that house. If I was you guys I’d have to build my own on that compound lol

  10. Please don’t paint all that wood white it looks beautiful how it is

  11. freezer on the left, that’s common knowledge 😩

  12. Freezer goes on the left side 🥺

  13. Looks like some weird adrenochrome processing facility or some shit, and those head height locks… eugh 🤮🤮🤮

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