Jerry Hall’s 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Fixing it Forward Project -Fixing it Forward

Jerry Hall’s 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Fixing it Forward Project -Fixing it Forward

The next vehicle in the Fixing it Forward series is this 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R owned by Jerry Hall. His son, Bryan, contacted me a couple of months back about bringing his dads car in. Once he said he was a Vietnam veteran, that’s all I needed to hear, he was in.

In this installment we look the car over for existing and potential problems. Bryan was thinking the car might be a total loss. After looking it over, I would have to disagree. Sure, the car needs some work, but nothing that I see condemning the car for.

At least it’s not a 1998 Chrysler Town & Country right?

I’m looking forward to the videos with this one. We’ve got some fun work lined up. Stay tuned.

Camera: Brian Kast

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44 thoughts on “Jerry Hall’s 2003 Nissan Sentra SE-R Fixing it Forward Project -Fixing it Forward

  1. I have an 06 SE-R… and all sensors/timing chain are original at 175k. I've heard horror stories… But this car has been driven 80k without serious issues. I'm the 3rd owner… And I will rebuild it when it blows up.

  2. Hey Eric I took my 04 sentra for an alignment today and they said the rear tow bolt was seized. I thought that these cars only had of solid rear axle and couldn't adjust the the rear toe?

  3. God bless our veterans. No matter the politics. The ground and freedom we have was fight and defended for. Thank you servicemen and veterans for our freedom. Also I'm impressed by the son here who actively helps his Dad.

  4. I've never had a Nissan but getting a look at this one and some of the design decisions and obvious longevity is making me think I should give one a try.

    That just looks like a good car for its age. Worn but not broken, looks serviceable and familiar like all Japanese cars do.

  5. Holy hell Eric, you are such a nice guy! Really sad I've only just now discovered your awesome channel. Good news is im now subbed and I got plenty of content to binge watch!

  6. Ugh… My ex-wife had one of these except it was a 6 speed. Kept fuel fouling plugs every 2K miles and Nissan wouldn't touch it because it didn't throw a CEL.

  7. Just went to Kings Island in Mason, Ohio! Didn't know I was this close to you Eric! Anyway love the videos and good luck on your future and definitely hope you return to YouTube to produce more great content.

  8. It pisses me off that our veterans have to live like this. I know they're helping him, but I also know the hoops he had to jump through to get that help, and he shouldn't have to do that.

    Something similar happened to my dad back in 99, he started to have seizures and it was eventually attributed to Agent Orange from his tour in Nam. Needless to say he had to fight tooth and nail just to get the VA to pay him a few hundred bucks a month, and even then he didn't get it until around 05.

    I'm really happy there are people like Eric who do what they can for veterans.

  9. Hey man I bought a 2003 Sentra GXE 1.8 with 110k miles, and most of the time it shifts really hard from first to second, very very jerky, then other shifts are great. After its very very warmed up, if I give it more gas during first then it will shift smooth. But if I give only about 2k rpm in first to get into second, it wants to shift hard. Should I actually be giving more RPM it seems like I am over revving it, but it shifts smoother if it shifts at 3k+ (I drive like a grandma). I am pretty low xp with cars but know this shouldn't jerk as hard as it does, and I would say is getting progressively worse just since I bought the car, and haven't even put 1k on it yet, so still under 111k. Tell me what you think. This thing also HATES to start. It instantly fires up even on a freezing morning, then after its warm and sits, has an awful start that jolts the RPMs around and sometimes kills itself. What is this all about?

    edit: I am a pizza delivery driver and I do try to drive my car like a grandma, but this slow acceleration seems to be screwing me or something, nearly this same exact experience happened in my 1996 maxima during my time with it from 172k-203k. Don't ask why it didn't go past 203k : (

  10. Hey Eric I have a 2003 Sentra SE-R automatic have you ran into a problem with idle issues on these cars it idles around 500 and the engine light flickers any help would be appreciated 2.5ltr

  11. Just hit 200k on my '04 Sentra!

    I replaced my vapor control valve… they're poorly located behind the rear tire and it's pretty common for them to get stuck. Thankfully they're easy to replace.

  12. The drive test taught me a lot about drive testing to look for issues. Not that I didn't know many of the points, but such a thorough drive test really clarified and focused my mind for what I'm looking for. Thanks.

  13. common problems to address the butterflies in the lower intake or power valves the screws come out and get sucked into the engine remove the upper intake and replace the screws with new and use red lock tite to secure them replace the stock exhaust manifold with a header to avoid precat failures that destroy the engine those 2 things will keep the engine from destroying itself

  14. Awesome diagnoses of these issues! I have an '00 Infiniti G20 with 80k miles. I'm the original owner. Never changed fuel filter or trans fluid and filter. Do you think I should do either or both?

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