There are a few different designs when it comes to oil catch cans. Oil separators are included in this category and are used in line with the PCV system on vehicles equipped with them. The cause of the problem that all cars have to some degree, is called blow by. Blow by occurs when expanding gasses and pressure from combustion work their way past the piston rings and find their way into the crank case, causing a positive pressure. With the movement of the rotating assembly and already having positive pressure in the crankcase, a large amount of oil in the form of vapor is pushed towards the breathers.

In the case of a vehicle with a PCV system, the vapors are directed into the intake tube then into the intake manifold and its runners. This can dilute the fuel, lowering the octane rating and creating a sludge-like film through the entire intake track.

A catch can is designed with baffling on the inside to trap oil and vapor in the bottom side of the reservoir while still allowing the crankcase to breathe freely through a filter that’s on the top side.

An oil separator is placed in line between PCV hoses. It has a mesh screen and filter material that traps the oil and vapor. It also has an easily accessible drain.

To get started installing, run lines from each vent on the LS valve covers which will route up to the catch can that has fittings on either side. The catch can will be mounted somewhere in the engine bay. The catch can will be mounted to the bracket that secures the remote thermostat housing in place. This location allows easy access to the drain on the bottom of the can and gives you a nice path for the lines to follow from the vents.

To make the connections to the catch can you can use a push on fitting. The first line attaches to the driver’s side valve cover vent and routes under the intake manifold and attaches to a Dash 6 fitting on the catch can. The passenger side line attaches to the vent tube, runs along the coolant hose and to the other fitting on the can. A breather attaches to the top of the catch can and is secured with a clamp.

Remember, an oil separator does not have a breather and will be part of the closed PCV system. Any vehicle with a PCV can benefit from an oil separator since the oil vapors will always find their way into the intake.


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By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “How To Install An Oil Catch Can”
  1. You can make one with spare exhaust tube from when you did your exhaust. Make some caps, and add barbs, drain, and internal baffle, and external filter if not wanting to go back through the intake like me.

  2. so does one valve cover pull in air off the catch can filter and then circulate back through the baffle from the other side? i cannot find any info on the web about this particular setup other than this video

  3. Don't touch the tb plate or open it if it's electronic, had to relearn the throttle. I found out the hard way lol it was reving at 2000, when I pulled it into snow covered lot and tried to stop the tires kept spinning and I went sliding into my bosses new f250…. you know the aluminum box that costs thousands to fix right!

  4. Here is my 2008 Nissan Sentra oil catch can (2-ports) version configuration. Hope this will give you a clear picture how to apply on your own configuration. Good day. 04m37s ~ 05m04s discolored gasoline sludge and carbon residues safely trapped in engine oil catch can oil catch tank

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    Engine oil change 2008 Sentra 2.0 S – DIY drain and fill

    05m12s ~ 05m20s check the engine sound prior to engine oil change

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  5. Why do these sort of videos always have someone whaling on the guitar as the background music, like that chipmunk foosball, and why is that guys jeans so snug, and why is there a carb on that engine? Says the video is from 2019???

  6. Wondering if you can do an episode on separate fuel tank's auxiliary tube installation on mid size commercial truck's. Another episode might bring in a whole new crowd… with extra info, regarding small canister bracket installation guides with tow hinges on SUV's to truck modification's on expeditionary vehicles.

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