Ford’s Bringing These Two Favorites Back!

Ford’s Bringing These Two Favorites Back!

There’s been rumors that Ford would bring the Bronco and Ranger back, and I’m happy to tell you…it’s been confirmed by the United Auto Workers up in Michigan!


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16 thoughts on “Ford’s Bringing These Two Favorites Back!

  1. I want the bronco granted it’s bigger than the one I had I had the 87 bronco2 which was it’s smaller more fuel efficient one at the time but it also looks better than the new ranger

  2. The ranger has been made elsewhere after they shut the plant down in MN. Go down to Mexico and look around! They are everywhere! The federal police use them! I'm talking new ones, like 2008-present, the flipping Ranger was never discontinued, they just shut the MN plant to make it cheaper outside the US border. And now they're "waiting" until the Focus and Cmax get sent down go Mexico. 90% of their manufacture happens down there and final assembly happens in Michigan. Ford is just blowing smoke up everyone's butt. The ranger never was discontinued, it just has not been sold here. Just like the "new" Colorado or fusion, they were being sold all over the world for like 5 years before they make there way to the US. Ford has just been waiting for the smaller truck market to take off and to just squeeze every last dollar out of the Eco-boost joke F-150. Just a big profit running marketing scheme. No Bailout in 2008? Guess who luckily had the US armed forces vehicle contract then, you should have seen the absolutely massive fields of F-150s over in Baghdad at the airfield. Just tens of thousands of them not being used. You could go check one out for the day "rent", just like you could a humvee, and go drive to Walmart on the opposite side of the field, but no leaving the base obviously. Seriously ford is a joke. If the economic crisis that happened in 2008 happened in 1998, the roles would be completely opposite with GM and Ford. The US is the last place to see a vehicle it has already been on the market elsewhere in the world for 2-3 years. Check out the "completely brand new" Dodge Dart, Chrysler 200? Was a fiat over in Europe. It's just all a joke, on the American people.

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