Finding the Best BMX Helmet

Finding the Best BMX Helmet

I’ve ridden 7 different helmets in the past 3 years I have TONS of advice on which helmet will work best for you!
Links to helmets featured in the video –

Hey guys, so this is something I’ve been planning on making for AGES. Since I’m literally leaving Florida in less than a week, I thought I should make it while I’m still down here with all the helmets (so I could have them in the video). I set the audio wrong on my camera (hence the popping) and didn’t realize until afterwards. I didn’t have time to re-film, so I just figured it wasn’t THAT bad. Anyway, I’m sorry.
I hope this video helps you guys out as it has taken me AGES to find a helmet that I’m satisfied with. Keep in mind I sweat A LOT, so having sweat absorbent lining is really important to me. Thanks for watching 🙂

Helmets featured in this video
-Pro-Tec Bucky Lasek Classic
-Kali Samra
-Pro-Tec Classic Skate Plus
-Triple 8 Brain Saver
-Shadow Conspiracy
-TSG Superlight







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43 thoughts on “Finding the Best BMX Helmet

  1. My helmet doesn’t go all the way down to my ear like the side but the front fits any opinions?

  2. Having worked as a nurse on the acquired brain trauma department I´ve seen the consequences of wearing no helmet or a bad quality one. Brain damage can end your life as you know it, it happens sooner than you think.
    So please, wear a helmet guys and girls.

  3. It's against the law to ride without a helmet here in B.C. you never see kids without helmets..The only people who ride without helmets are crackheads and bums…….. and hipsters… fucking hipsters.

  4. I wear helmet because I can't do tricks😂😂

  5. I’ve used the balek classic for 3+ years and it’s pretty comfy,not sad at all though

  6. Keep reading “I don’t have money for a helmet”. Did your bike cost less than $60, I don’t think so. Get a damn helmet kids.

  7. Regardless of the helmet you choose, no helmet can prevent your brain from moving around and impacting your skull. Thanks for the reviews though! 🤙🏼

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