FATR Episode 10 – EricTheCarGuy

FATR Episode 10 – EricTheCarGuy

FATR Episode 10 – EricTheCarGuy


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38 thoughts on “FATR Episode 10 – EricTheCarGuy

  1. still goin strong lucky bastid well great job man !!still love the post and plus still looking for a good apprenticeship to get some new experience and sign up for some AMT experience any who thanks for making the videos!

  2. @EricTheCarGuy you think he might be rolling over in his grave when the tl came out. a while ago a friend came over with a 07 60k. o ring on the p/s pump was bad, later r&r pump then both bearings then tensioner.
    I love my 93 civic with 3 belt so each component gets its individual tension. hard for me to believe that one tension fits all. proof = i can't remember when I changed the belts ( anywhere from never to 13 years ago, when I bought it )

  3. @hobieslug45 Soichiro Honda was a brilliant man that started his business by putting lawnmower engines on bicycles, his bread and butter was motorcycles and I'm not surprised it's still around as it is a testament to his engineering skill in my opinion.

  4. wow that's an old Honda 350 . I bought a 1971 that looked just like that one. payed $249 for it brand new. I remember because it was less than a dollar a cc. what memories what brought up. what year is that one ?

  5. @siemenstraffic You could just use the 'donate' button on my site if you like. The sad thing is that even if I did have the money right now I would still have to come up with the time to put it in and that's actually harder than the money at the moment. I really appreciate your thinking though, thanks.

  6. Hey Eric! Is it possible for you to open up a separate PayPal account so we can donate money so you could buy a rebuilt transmission for you Honda Odyssey as a thanks for putting up such great learning videos!

  7. @MrLandedra The headers are really your choice but it won't effect the 'oil' as far as I know but given the condition you describe I suspect it was driven hard and probably burns oil anyway. The tires are a primary concern, the power steering pump makes it easier to park the truck but at speed it really doesn't make a difference.

  8. @ndchevy Fusible links are a good place to start if you didn't disconnect the battery when you did that job but also check to make sure you hooked it up correctly as the new starter may be wired differently.

  9. The video of the crazy people you show in your video saw it before you did this episode. I am just saying it was in the youtube recommendation section on my youtube page. Because of all the video I watch youtube recommend video that might be my taste..

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