Drifting with Alexi (Noriyaro)

Drifting with Alexi (Noriyaro)

Alexi is one of the main dudes that put an Ebisu trip on my bucket list. I’ve been a fan of his videos for some time now so getting to meet in person let alone drift together was really awesome! Go subscribe and see why Alexi is one of my favorite people on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/noriyaro


49 thoughts on “Drifting with Alexi (Noriyaro)

  1. “We gonna get him at highspeed d1 levels “ Now look at him 😂

  2. This is so fun to watch in 2020 😎

  3. I know this video is old but seeing this, Alexi should open a school and teach people on drifting.

    Edit: Seeing the arcade section, man Japan sounds so cool.

  4. Adam is such a bitch 😂

  5. When he pulls up and you can see the beer can in the background 😍

  6. Is he my homie from Australia 🇦🇺

  7. yo you and nicole bouta have a blast🔥🔥

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