Drift Competition Hail Storm!

Drift Competition Hail Storm!

Back to Texas for Lonestar Round 2 TXSL! Honestly didn’t think I’d make it out to so many Lonestar rounds, but Aaron and his events are so much fun it’s hard to resist. Round 3? Maybe! http://LZMFG.com

Thumbnail Photo by Sy Pham


42 thoughts on “Drift Competition Hail Storm!

  1. 13:00 2jz sound 😍😍

  2. So satisfying with slow drifting, like snow😍😍😍

  3. Adam you should cut your rear bumper like the purple z it looked incredible 😃

  4. Yay more cops. Love you videos bro. So much🔥🔥

  5. Omg I live so close to Mineral Wells my gf was there when it was hailing just this last Saturday wish I could’ve went

  6. Where’s the bmxing gone, we miss it ??

  7. Amazing, beautiful 👌 that's common from this channel though

  8. #rainydays🚗

  9. Defrost/Dashmode turns the ac off and on automatically even with the ac button off. 😂

  10. The reason you use heat is because warm air can hold more water. Another trick is to let down the window to let less moist (colder) air in and let the warm (and now moister) air you used to defog out. So it takes a bit longer for the windows to fog up because the air in the car isn't close to saturation.

  11. That dude in the red Z! Woooow.

    But how sick does the 240 sound 🔥🔥🔥

  12. I wouldn’t have admitted that you always thought the ac kept the windshield defrosted 🤦🏻‍♂️ thats pretty much common sense

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