Building a BMW E92 Race Car

Building a BMW E92 Race Car

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WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.


41 thoughts on “Building a BMW E92 Race Car

  1. This car is nowhere near good enough to be a track car. The brakes are a joke, BC instead of Ohlins, and the only "real" quality of life mod that made even a little sense is a power steering reservoir? No bushings or sway bars, no motor mounts, no cooling mods other than silicone inlet/outlet hoses for some reason that honestly do nothing when you look at the rest of the car. Man this is a car where all of the money went into a body kit, cage, and wheels tbh. The car needs a lot more work to be anything remotely competitive. The builds have really gone downhill over the years that is for sure.

  2. Those are our wheels! CJ was awesome to work with and you guys absolutely crushed it on this build. We’ve been following the progress for a while and saw this car go from gutted to this absolute art piece! Congrats to everyone involved and great job again on the hard work! 🫶🏼😊

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