Brand New 3.4L 2JZ SOUNDS SICK (It runs!)

Brand New 3.4L 2JZ SOUNDS SICK (It runs!)

Got the 3.4L 2JZ running in record time – and it sounds sick!
Massive thank you to Eagle One for sponsoring another one of my videos! Check their Tire Shine out –


45 thoughts on “Brand New 3.4L 2JZ SOUNDS SICK (It runs!)

  1. I wonder if Adam used ADAMS polishes 🤔

  2. Blegh.. Spray tyre shine. You got that shit all over your rim and it didn't cover the tyre properly, lol.

    Take a look at CarPro PERL and use it with an applicator.

  3. 9:30 well the whole perspective is dope we can actually see how you drive but needs a go pro view of front view and front wheel angle but 🔥🔥🔥 angle from the cockpit lookin at ya 🤣🤣🤣 love the videos and can’t wait to see the next event 🤘🏻

  4. The intro: “hey, hi, blah blah Alberto doing something”. 😂😂😂

  5. Every engine Alberto touches has some kind of an issue, whether small or serious, and I'm not putting down his ability as a mechanic as he has more knowledge and skill than most people by a longshot, but that dude got some Chris Rudnik level of bad luck

  6. dodo juice does insane car detailing products and they smell great too, s/o to them i use the green polish, doesnt leave a film on glass and doesnt leave marks on anything

  7. When you randomly washed the bmw i was like yea yea what sponsor you got for us today

    And i was right it was a tire shine haha ill buy it and test it out

  8. Forgive me if I’m wrong but maybe it doesn’t fit cause the chassis is already flexing while you’re trying to put the bar on??

  9. If nothing is fitting on the S13 maybe there’s frame issues getting in the way, it might not be perfect aligned and could be bent

  10. R all those cars his 🥵

  11. Where is your wife Adam? I haven’t watched in a while and I cannot find her in any videos! 😞 I fear the worst has happened 💍💔

  12. Great turn around on the engine you have a awesome crew 👌🏼

  13. Adam, there is literally nothing worse than the sound of an SR20…. 350'z sound better than SR20's.. ask me how I know! No I'll tell you, here in Aus we have something called the APRA SSS pulsar series. A racing competition filled with SR20 SSS Puslars and I can tell you they sound horrible! They even sound worse then the Toyota 86 series we have here. Don't get me wrong, they are amazing engines….. but please don't build one!

  14. Why don’t you get an electric leaf blower instead of hand drying?

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