The Pontiac LeMans restoration and rusty, bent frame is no problem for Lou. He’ll show you how to turn a pressure sprayer into a sandblaster making it easy to remove years of weathering and a basic way to straighten your frame.
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Feel free to all this work to my 67 impala for me🇺🇲
What happened to Lou we need him back
Anybody know what size steel stock used to lift body
You guys did that winsheild wrong. Cut out from the inside first with a pipe knife
Myra 😂😂😂😂😂
Why is body on Frame easier to restore then unibody cars? Or is it not?
April 1st week build out of the Baltimore plant 235 is interior trim K2 is Turquoise Poly with Black Vinyl top. Code G could be a long console auto.
350 HP for 1967 400 cu in base engine
As a dude that used to make his living repairing frame damage that "pulling" is cringe worthy…
I like the plated lower A arm , but hate lowered cars. Any tricks for the upper arm?
In the 70s guys sold new data plates at many car shows..
Duuuude this video is so awesome ive been watching resto vids for weeks n this one stands out from all the rest
great all around
Lou Santiago rox‼︠He always does something creative, you always learn real life tool applications and techniques!
Starts video wE bUiLdInG nUmBeRs MaTcHiNg CaR half way through video boxes frame for stroker motor we are gonna add heavily then modifies control arm
Modifying a 71 Chevelle wagon for drifting the frame upgrade suggestion will help greatly
I have a 69 tempest that my dad gave me before he passed away when I was 16 years old in 46 now and when I retire I’m going to do a frame off restore with my son and gift him with it for a college graduation present.
That's a 1966.
The format is a little annoying , with the shouting an all.
But I must admit this guy provides some interesting ideas for improving the frame and suspension in a economical way.
well done sir , well done ! 😎
hy dude why dont u pic stock horns comes with car factory fit very car has its signiture horn sound its sounds good when car is ready
Watersandblasting !!!??!?? Man, you deserves the Nobel prize ! :0)
i like your work and if i can give you a little inspiration then watch this, POWER NATION, I WANT YOU IN THE SKY IN THE SKY … BUT SAFELY IN THAT AUTOGYRO (not a chopper)
One of the best channels on YouTube. Great video guys.
I like Lou’s optimism and personality, give home a financial raise.
Well why WOULDN'T you restore a.67 LeMans?
I have a 68 tempest gto clone that you just made worth less because I have a stock frame.
My first car was a '66 LeMans, 326 with 3 on the tree. Paid $50 for it in 1974. Had rusty rear quarters but other than that, it was in pretty good shape.
This guy annoys me
My moms car in high school was a 67 Pontiac tempest… That is until she started dating my dad and he wrecked it… Then he bought her a 69' charger and yep you guessed it he wrecked it… lol… there was one more car that he bought for her and wrecked… An AMC Pacer ha ha ha… that one almost killed him…. Then he wrecked my brothers 70 thunderbird while he was in basic training…. I would never let him drive (and still won't) anything I own… My mom did pay him back once he had beautiful 72' chevy short bed truck that my mom let burn to the ground when it caught on fire in the driveway..
40 years old huh. Nice maths 😛