Bagging my F250

Bagging my F250

I’ve had these bags laying around for about a month now and finally got around to the install… kinda. Hopefully will be able to get them squared away soon. Ft. S13 nonsense & BMX as well 🙂

MotionautoTV –…
Music by David Cutter –


38 thoughts on “Bagging my F250

  1. Amazing photoshop skills 😂

  2. Not a cat it’s a diesel particulate filter

  3. Do you use weight distribution?  If so are you using the right size bars?  That truck with weight distribution should be level unless that trailer is really heavy in the tongue.  AWESOME TRUCK.  I'm getting one next month.

  4. To anyone that can help ~ I have a 2007 mini and I've been having some weird idling issues. Sometimes after driving at highway speeds and slowing down quickly, my car will idle very rough. Almost a violent shake, and sometimes it even shuts off. I originally changed the air filter which helped for a bit, then a check engine light came on letting me know the fuel was running too rich in bank 3, which led me to change out all four spark plugs, and I changed a coil pack too on the worst gunky black plug I had. Was able to make a 15 hour drive without any problems after that, then at the very end of my trip I had another instance where my car just shut off after idling violently after a quick deceleration. After that I cleaned the MAF sensor just because I know that's another thing that deals with the air/fuel ratio that seemed to be causing my issues. No more instances of the weird stalling, but where should I turn next if another problem arise? I know minis are prone to the carbon buildup in the valves since they're direct injection, should I remove the intake manifold and take a look?

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