Aston Martin Wanted $4,000 for a Clutch, Here’s how I Easily Sourced One for $400 (You Can Too)

Aston Martin Wanted $4,000 for a Clutch, Here’s how I Easily Sourced One for $400 (You Can Too)

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-I found the $1 Oil Filter and $7 Rear Main Seal at RockAuto:
-Kentucky Clutch made the Custom 6 Puck Kevlar Clutch:

As we start restoring and repairing this cheap auction Aston Martin, I’m finding out quickly that the parts are anything but cheap. Every little piece seems to be a major rip off, but it shouldn’t be and here we literally show you how cheap everything can be sourced by just breaking down each part for what it actually is and sourcing anywhere but the dealership.

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42 thoughts on “Aston Martin Wanted $4,000 for a Clutch, Here’s how I Easily Sourced One for $400 (You Can Too)

  1. Im sorry but if you dont have the taste or the experience to know how to fix the car doesn’t mean its shit it mean you dont have taste

  2. @5:19, the white plastic sleeve that is inside the seal is there specifically to slip over the crankshaft and help the seal slide onto it without folding over onto itself. Also, read the instructions for your particular seal, but on several of the recent ones I’ve installed, you are to install them completely dry, per the manufacturer. Do not put any type of oil or grease on them unless recommended.

  3. The rooster 😆

  4. It's great that you show how, if you have a bit of practical skills, you can run an expensive car on a budget. The reason stuff is getting so expensive, is because these sort of skills are diminishing and they know they can just charge people silly money.

  5. You make me cringe when `I see you under your cars with flimsy jacks. That is one area that I make certain I have redundancy of support on the cars I crawl under for fail safe insurance from being squished.

  6. Dude…. You are buying an Aston Martin and you a putting a 1 dollar oil filter. You should go check yourself. And by the way there is a big difference between the original one and the 1 dollar aftermarket one, but since you are making the car for sale, you won't be able to enjoy the fun in replacing connection rod bearings, main journals, oil pump and so on. Hope nothing happens buy please read as to what is the difference in the expensive and cheap oil filters.

  7. Oil filter, I’d be looking at flow rates to ensure the $1.00 item could filter at the same rate. Oh and get ride of that ridiculously stupid air suspension.

  8. The Rooster 🐓says
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  9. … nice video …I just fitting new electronic parking water pump to my ML Benz cost £17(with 2y guarantee)….and safe more than £250… like a Bosch…;-)))…

  10. Ahhhhhh Sir Samuel K-Rock, would you buy an old yes I know it's old, a range rover built by BMW or do you have better things to say about some newer rovers…Just wanna drive the thing up north. Steven/Canadan Thanks Sam

  11. Why is that roosters from any corner of the world caw the same tune? Are they genetically limited to do that song only? Like seriously no two dogs ever bark the same!

  12. 100% of the times I’ve tried using rock auto the prices of the parts they had IN STOCK for my vehicle were all the most expensive options. Then the ones that were reasonable were marked up with extremely high shipping rates.

  13. I watch Samcrac, Doug DeMuro and LegitStreetCars. I am not gonna lie thought Samcrac always made me think that if Doug and Legit combined it equals Samcrac. The voice, the look it really trips me out and cracs me up. (bad pun)

  14. that Key just looks like a £10 ford fiesta/escort key from the 90's . The rooster has a mean sense of humour.

  15. Gday from Australia Sam! Lovin the show mate 👍👍🍻

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