Adam LZ Weekly Update #2 – California Stories

Adam LZ Weekly Update #2 – California Stories

There’s a BUNCH of stuff that’s going on that I wanted to tell you guys, especially some of the details of my recent trip to California!
Everything from riding with pros to getting kicked out of apartments.
I sell shirts and stickers to fund trips and videos 🙂 –

After playing this video back I realizedI excessively change gears at stoplights. Yes, I know this isn’t good for my car, it’s just a habit and I will try to stop!







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31 thoughts on “Adam LZ Weekly Update #2 – California Stories

  1. hey man you honestly dont have bad acne, not trying to bring attention or a pity party for myself but i had it super bad, got on this accutane stuff you mentioned for 6 month and now its way better

  2. Is it just me who doesn't mind his acne? I don't find it effects the videos at all but if you feel it is necessary to do something about it then go do what makes you happy… like YouTube and bmx. Keep up they good work

  3. Hey man you might wanna check out the Cannon Vixia mini x for your car. It has the same view as your GoPro but professional audio basically. Oh and the screen flips down in 180*.

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