A Squirrel Filled An Engine Bay With 50 Pounds Of Pine Cones

A Squirrel Filled An Engine Bay With 50 Pounds Of Pine Cones

You should check under your hood every once in a while. If not for maintenance, to check that stuff like this isn’t happening. Kellen Moore, from Michigan, popped his hood to find more than 50 pine cones squirrels had stashed in every spot possible around the engine.

A photo was posted on FaceBook and said it took Moore and a friend about 45 minutes to get the engine bay clean. But the good news is the car still runs just fine.



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3 thoughts on “A Squirrel Filled An Engine Bay With 50 Pounds Of Pine Cones

  1. My buddy had squirrels in his attic they did around $10,000 in damage, chewed electrical, insulation had to be removed and replaced, bathroom ceiling had to be redone do to urine soaking through, stuff that was stored up there was all chewed and destroyed. Squirrels might be cute but that can definitely be savage little assholes.

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