After going on a little garage rant my friend Sebastian stopped by with one of the many cool cars at his disposal. Some updates on why I took yesterday off and a special event at the end! MERCH MERCH MERCH –
Sebastian’s Instagram –
dude has a 600hp car and dosent even know what kind of supercharger he has 2.1 liter like wtf
I have a stock 01 mustang v6. Would you make a build for me. About 450 to 5 hp low rumble with a good whine. Lol or trade
Terminator cobras are amazing cars.
Cool throw back
The cringe in this video…
I'd rather a corvette
Look at you now. Building engines and drifting all over the world good work.
you talk too much
watching this in 2020 seeing how far you’ve come is hilarious.
This guy said he was at least informative automotive channel but you forgot about stradman
If someone says “HP†instead of horsepower , they don’t know jack about cars lmao
now this man is a pro drifter
hahaha! MARIA!
You suck
Haters are our motivators you got this keep up the great work man much love I appreciate all the vids ! Your the man 🥂🥂ðŸÂ¾💯ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ🥂
Dude… Maturity IS…
Are any of these people paying your bills??? Do they get you money??? WHY DO YOU CARE???
Worry about the People that Love You and what they think… NO ONE ELSE REALLY MATTERS!!!
I love your video bro
Who's here in 2020 and just heard Adam say "I would never want to mod my car so much though that I couldn't step on it on the road?" lol Oh sweet, naive, young Adam of 2017.
Where did he go?
@5:40 is where the mustang appears
Good on you for trying to learn how to do something you didn't know before. I'm doing the same thing – I just bought my own Terminator, actually, and I'm trying to figure all of this stuff out. Don't sweat the negative stuff, and keep at it!
Get a mic pls
What a fuckin list. That had to be a great show
“Is that traction control?â€ÂÂÂÂ
“No it’s just everything.†Oh
Well j so u know I'm a first time and this was a grand video haha so keep it up 🙂
Nice car, but that ain’t a cobra.
I would mod my car so much so what its street illegal because so manny mods it would be to fast for everyone
I dont know a hole lot about cars but I know how they work and I bet adom lz knows how they work probably way more then alot of people on this channel aka hater bois haters are retarded unless they are Jake Paul haters or t siries haters that's ok
Some people act as if that everyone has time to become mechanically inclined. Some of us are artists, musicians, athletes etc and have actual talents to master vs learning something equally as cool etc, cars.
Woah Adam with out a mustache
I don't get the mustang hate.