383 Stroker Rotating Assembly #ETCGDadsTruck

383 Stroker Rotating Assembly #ETCGDadsTruck

This is (Episode 24) of the #ETCGDadsTruck Series.

Link to (Episode 25): https://youtu.be/h7qowMqZXRA

Link to (Episode 23): https://youtu.be/HvVw2MKdUzc

This installment of #ETCGDadsTruck covers the assembly of the rotating assembly of the engine, #DT383. The rotating assembly consists of the crankshaft, connecting rods, pistons, cam shaft, and timing chain.

Camera: Brian Kast, Eric Cook

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Check out the ETCG Blog for the latest info: https://www.ericthecarguy.com/blog

Summit Racing: https://www.summitracing.com/redirect?banner=SOCIALFB190421

Thanks for watching!


Crankshaft: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/esp-10352375057e?cm_mmc=social-_-ETCG-_-crankshaft-2019-05

Rods: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/sca-25700716

Pistons: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/slp-h860cp30

Piston Rings: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/slp-e-251k30?cm_mmc=social-_-ETCG-_-rings-2019-05

Rod Bearings: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/cle-cb663hn?cm_mmc=social-_-ETCG-_-rodbearings-2019-05

Main Bearings: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/cle-ms909h?cm_mmc=social-_-ETCG-_-mainbearings-2019-05

Main Studs: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/arp-134-5401?utm_source=etcg&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mainstuds&utm_content=2019-05

Cam: http://www.compcams.com Custom Grind: 12-000-8

Timing Chain Set: http://www.compperformancegroupstores.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CC&Product_Code=2100&Category_Code=

Cam Button: http://www.compperformancegroupstores.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CC&Product_Code=202&Category_Code=


Crankshaft Socket (SBC): https://www.summitracing.com/parts/cca-4793/overview/

Cam Installation Tool: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/tfs-90150?utm_source=etcg&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=camhandle&utm_content=2019-05

Piston Ring Filer: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/sum-906795/overview/

Piston Ring Squaring Tool (4.000-4.230): https://www.summitracing.com/parts/pro-67656/overview/

Piston Ring Compressor (4.030)(Summit): https://www.summitracing.com/parts/sme-904030/overview/

Piston Ring Compressor (4.030)(Moroso): https://www.jegs.com/i/Moroso/710/61840/10002/-1

Torque Wrench: https://www.jbtools.com/gearwrench-85079-1-2-dr-flex-electronic-torque-wrench-w-angle-25-250-ft-lbs/

Plastigauge: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/aaf-all96475

Paint Pen: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000DD2EU/?coliid=I16OXOXPMW1E81&colid=245LHJDQ9HKVE&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

CAT Plug Kit: https://parts.cat.com/en/catcorp/shop-supplies/caps-and-plugs/9U-7075

Piston Hammer: https://trustycook.com/product/slimline-hammer-model-s4/

Gasket Tack: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FL40L90/?coliid=I32JUEJ7C8AASM&colid=245LHJDQ9HKVE&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

WD40: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003F07JM4/?coliid=IO7M9N7S6NJZ5&colid=245LHJDQ9HKVE&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

Related Videos

383 Stroker Engine Parts #ETCGDadsTruck: https://youtu.be/sygI3OA4rfA

Engine Assembly Crankshaft and Pistons #DarkMatterPikachu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st0X4k3EH18&t=30s

How To Assemble Pistons and Rings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW7Jo8f8jZk&t=2s

How To Gap Piston Rings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAguO3EPzcI&t=3s

How To Mask and Paint an Engine Block: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RZ7_BONyHM&t=317s

How To Use Plastigauge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3pHb-qXZc8

#ETCGDadsTruck Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCepnacqRuI&list=PLSzhQ6St-ov1g_GML2aVq6EN-_ShJ9G2o

**Answers to your automotive questions found here: http://www.ericthecarguy.com/faq

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Stay Dirty


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37 thoughts on “383 Stroker Rotating Assembly #ETCGDadsTruck

  1. Slow process to build a personal engine! Every detail that makes you sleep at night is accepted in the hobby! Hobby is what i call it as that is what it is for us perfectionists! In the end of every build its your dollar so spend it as you see fit! I enjoy final assembly of any project and am critisized by everyone around that i am way too anal about the small details! In the end most of my builds from 1000 Hp to 50 Hp pitbikes hold up and last through the punishment of those that critisized me! I get the most thrill knowing that the small details are what make build hold up !!!!!

  2. .002 Is perfect!!! I used to go .015…on any rebuild…clearance is foremost…if it gets hot…no worries…My 1st VW Type 1 engine…Counterweight crank( hours clearances Block)…yup… only had .001 on crank…didnt break it in…raced a 914…beat him w a 2bbl Zenith…BUT DOD NOT STOP AND COOL DOWN…SPUN A ROD…🤯🥶💩

  3. Eric…I COMMEND YOU IN CHOICE OF CID…383 SBC IS ONE OF MY FAV ENGINES…A friend contacted me after buying an 81 Firebird …WHAT SHOULD I PUT IN THIS??? A BLUEPRINT 383…POWER DURABILITY AND FUN!!! His Dad taught me GLASS…AUTO/ GLAZING…He had 3 Sons(Not the TV Series but coulda passed for it) Dan was the oldest…We became friends…all three actually…but Dan chose the right girl and I was honored as best man…well 2 Brothers…he didn't want arguments…lol)

  4. Cam specs are very close to the Crane roller cam I picked up for my 306 build for my truck.

    216*/224* @ 0.050, 112* LSA, 107* ICL, 0.520"/0.542" lift.

    Picked it out for its high lift for the AFR Renegade 165 heads I bought and because it was more fitting for a daily street truck with a C6 transmission with a goal of 3.00:1 to 3.25:1 ring and pinion swap to offset my 31×10.50-15 KO2 tires.

  5. When inserting the pistons & rods, it's better to push all in one move instead of hammering it. Turn the crank to the lowest position as far away from the cylinder bottom and put one hand at the bottom of the cylinder to grab the rod— you push all in one motion instead of hammering it. you only need to push about 2 inches to get all the rings compressed & into the cylinder. Hammering can get an oil ring rail stuck or broke between the ring compressor & the top of the block.

  6. You squeeze the ring with your left hand and crank with your right hand; you grind both end gap faces at the same time, this way if the grinder wheel is true, the end gaps stay parallel. As for checking end gap, square up the ring in the block and put the best fitting feeler gauge in and pull the gauge and if the gauge has drag and comes out without disturbing the ring ends that's the size; if the ends get tugged away it's the size less.

  7. I've a question….How would I tell if my rebuild was truly 30 over bored? I know it was rebuilt. But the guy I bought the truck from seemed shady. However over the 7 years I've had the truck its been great and turns out so far everything has been true. The only reason I cannot believe the 30 over to 383 is, I've been told there was no way my 350 was because of some strange reason I cannot remember I think it was something about the 380 instead of 383 or some shit. Made no sense really. I honestly am clueless to most jargon however I am pretty good with basics. The truck trans was rebuilt and had some gearing done for pulling. Also the motor is still good no smoke and its 92 ….no oil leaks. There's never been a Chevy engine I've seen all stock that damned old that wasn't rebuilt. Hahahah. Anyway. I checked the harmonic balancer and it looks normal so that is why I still question it. The engine is in the 92 long bed ext cab c1500 Silverado. I am thinking about redoing the entire thing. I want to break about 400 hp….that would give the truck plenty of fun power without it being too damn dangerous being the bed is long. Hahaha.

  8. 32:52 – "The bigger it is, the smaller the clearance. The smaller it is, the LESS(?) the clearance."
    ….Eric talks a lot and makes the occasional faux pas. In case it wasn't clear, crushing the little pasta stick makes it thinner and wider. It the gap is larger, it doesn't crush as much and results in a thicker and less-wide 'splat'.
    Awesome video, Eric. I agree with those who call this an hour of CAR PORN!

  9. If there's a little bit of dirt in the engine after cleaning you know maybe you should check them little holes just a little bit more but that didn't seem like a whole lot of dust don't worry about you should clean out those threaded holes double-check anyway don't you think they wouldn't do that at the factory though take too much time they got to make sure they get quick ways of doing all that stuff you just have to double-check if you seen it once then you'd have to do it for every engine which is not really a problem you can stick a water hose in there real quick or something once it's on the engine wash

  10. You're very slow you got to do 8 Pistons 8 cylinders so you might as well do them all at once or one side at it wants at least do the whole crank at once you're very slow

  11. I love the sounds of putting the engine together. The metal hitting metal on all the fasteners and when he’s hammering the pistons in. The further down they go the higher the pitch gets. I’m very sensitive to sounds and get anxious and annoyed easily but these sounds are very relaxing.

  12. Hello 👋 you berelians. Like .👍…

  13. سلام وهزاران 👍 …..جناب مهندس اریک عزیز بسیار تشکر دارم …وهمواره بهترین ها را برایتان از خدای مهربان ارزومندم….👍….

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