1JZ Tandems + Conquering Touge

1JZ Tandems + Conquering Touge

Every day at Ebisu I try to focus on progressing my driving and this video is mainly focused around that! Shoutout to Deon for racing behind me to get the sweet chase cam footage 🙂 http://LZBMX.com


42 thoughts on “1JZ Tandems + Conquering Touge

  1. first it was so interesting to watch so much drift. But after few vids: same track, same car, same angle and more than 10min of drift getting boring…

  2. yes they are please make some more bmx vidoes Adam!!!!!!😰😰😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🤘🤘🤘👍

  3. I've become a fan over the last couple of months. Really enjoy your uploads. Lately, from my perspective, the drifting is getting monotonous, same thing over and over. I enjoy the way you mix the content when you are at home.

  4. @ 11:20 that handbrake hold is the reason you get the shakes at higher speeds and why your tyres don't last very long, i suggest pulsing it like discount Matt Damon was telling you too do. Other than that, i'm still jealous :p

  5. hey adam the series has been great so far and it's cool you went to japan for this but it seems like every video has bee the same. there's so much cool stuff in japan to see and do, are you going to make some video about stuff other than this?

  6. I really love the drift footage of Ebisu, but I have to agree that the guys in the comment section are right! Go out for one day and explore japanese car culture just as the nissan auto museum 🙂

    That doesn't mean that you upload shitty contenct, no. I think it just would be pretty cool to see what you can experience as a carguy-tourist there 🙂

  7. where is new videooos😣😣

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